04-29-2015, 10:29 PM
I'm not trying to stir the pot Lex I'm just trying to figure out whats going on in society lol I have almost no idea and yours is a very different perspective from mine which is why I found this forum and started posting so please if I'm saying anything that seems offensive I'm not trying to be.
I recognize that its not a direct comparison restaurants to relationships but its the scenario that was presented in your post. I would never dream of forcing a open relationship on someone I'm just trying to prepare for the possibility that some day this may become something I have to deal with and I don't want to be caught off guard.
I would never make an argument against marriage. I have simply noted that society as a whole has lost most of the sanctity that it once held. I mean we have famous folks marrying for all but 24 hours before they divorced. I mean the ink hadn't even dried and they had divorced, and people AGREED with it and sympathized with them. Like seriously WTF? While I don't believe that we should go back to the old days where you needed permission from the Pope to end a marriage but even that is a shame.
I'm asking opinions so your relationship does matter and the experience you share from it is valuable. It proves, or disproves, that this type of situation works long-term. But you are also not anti-monogamy so you are open to other scenarios which I what I'm ultimately trying to embrace.
Thanks Lex
Lexington Wrote:Once again, I think there's some problems with people with not getting the right mindset here. "A relationship with your partner should receive more consideration." Well, yeah, obviously - nobody expects monogamy when it comes to restaurants.But an open relationship isn't inconsiderate. FORCING an open relationship on somebody is inconsiderate (and probably doomed to fail) but that's nowhere near the same thing. If somebody told me "I can only be in a monogamous relationship", as I said, I think I probably would he able to do that.
I recognize that its not a direct comparison restaurants to relationships but its the scenario that was presented in your post. I would never dream of forcing a open relationship on someone I'm just trying to prepare for the possibility that some day this may become something I have to deal with and I don't want to be caught off guard.
Lexington Wrote:This almost sounds like an argument against gay marriage."So, once we allow gays to get married, are all the things that make a marriage special to be thrown out the window?"
I would never make an argument against marriage. I have simply noted that society as a whole has lost most of the sanctity that it once held. I mean we have famous folks marrying for all but 24 hours before they divorced. I mean the ink hadn't even dried and they had divorced, and people AGREED with it and sympathized with them. Like seriously WTF? While I don't believe that we should go back to the old days where you needed permission from the Pope to end a marriage but even that is a shame.
Lexington Wrote:My relationship shouldn't alter anybody else's. What we do in our relationship was chosen because it works the best for us. I would never insist that all, or even most, relationships have to be open. I'm totally fine with monogamous relationships, and I'd never suggest that they're wrong, or backwards, or anything else.
I'm asking opinions so your relationship does matter and the experience you share from it is valuable. It proves, or disproves, that this type of situation works long-term. But you are also not anti-monogamy so you are open to other scenarios which I what I'm ultimately trying to embrace.
Thanks Lex