subdivisions Wrote:I've done EVERYTHING for my depression- in-patient, out-patient, medications, therapists, for years and years. Nothing works. I think giving up is justified in this case.
Also pretty damn annoyed that my posts take like a fucking week to show up.
You do understand that the only person or thing that can "save" you is yourself, right?
I seriously doubt that at age 22 you've tried "everything"... but even if you have, if nothing is working for you then that suggests to me that you aren't "working" it (or working with it).
I don't know you and don't really know what to say that might get through to you but what I see here is you're very negative; you've made up your mind that your life is and will continue to be worthless and unfulfilling. It looks as though you've become totally "identified" with this negative POV. Understand what that means? You mistake it as being WHO YOU ARE and, therefore, any attempt to change it or help you get through it or beyond it is experienced as a direct threat TO YOU. So, no matter what anyone says, what medical interventions are provided, nothing works because you don't really WANT it to. You are thoroughly intrenched in your own suffering and can't even imagine being yourself, or even living, without it.
LOL... You may not believe this but I was very much like you when I was near your age. Perhaps not quite as far gone but close. NOTHING anyone said or did made a difference. I was too much of a coward to actually kill myself (although I thought about it a lot) and was just miserable. Nothing and no one measured up to my expectations. There was simply no helping any of it.
That changed. How it changed is a bit of a mystery even to me. Maybe I just "grew up" a bit and stopped whining so much. Maybe I finally got out into the real world where I had to make a living and support myself and discovered there simply wasn't time for all this self-absorbed self-imposed misery. I don't know. But at some point, around age 24/25, I began to take direct action FOR MYSELF to find out what was causing me so much anguish and what, if anything *I* could do about it.
You're welcome to come here and rant and rave and piss and moan all you want or need. Maybe it will do you some good, I don't know. (If you want to avoid the system holding some posts, go to some of the game threads and just post randomly to get your post-count up to 50 and that won't happen any more.) What I do know is that no one, no one here, no one anywhere, can help you get beyond yourself if you, yourself, don't cooperate in the process. Until you're ready to fight your way out of your own self-imposed emotional prison, right there you'll stay: Safe from experiencing both the real joy and real pain of living a human life.