Bbbb18, I would suggest that instead of getting your roommate into an awkward situation that neither of you will feel comfortable handling later, especially if he isn't gay, and since you only want to experiment, why don't you get onto those apps that make hookups easy and find someone who is like-minded and would be glad to let you suck them off or suck you off (whichever is the plan)? At least it would seem you'd both be looking for the same thing.
Your roommate, as far as I can work out, may not be gay, or bi or even be looking for such a hookup and it may lead to more discomfort and distrust, maybe even disgust, than seems worth your while. If you don't have that ''conversation'' with him, then you'd better let it go and find a healthier way to get down and do the dirty with another male.
As @
LJay said, there is actually nothing dirty about sex unless you make it so, and one more thing, I'd advise you to take your precautions anyway, whoever you find to get down and mess with. Not everyone out there will have your best interest at heart. So, be selfish, and experiment but don't be selfish, think of yourself and your partner and future partners.
Good luck finding that release. Just be safe. And by the way,
to GaySpeak.