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I forgot to sat that your headline "Vegetarian boyfriend is driving me nuts" is unintentionally very funny. Have you tried nutloaf?
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
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I haven't tried it, maybe he has but looks like a good recipe!
I was a vegetarian for awhile and oddly enough it was a militant vegetarian who drove me to eat meat again....lecturing me about what I should and shouldn't do....
I don't like anyone who is militant about anything. I block all the posts on Facebook that shove one opinion about something down my fucking invasive and who the fuck do they think they are having no respect for other people?
I have been in a 30+ year relationship..a good one..but these things DO come is part of any relationship..and you have to address it now in a serious manner rather than letting it boil over....
Communication is a skill that always needs practice and needs to be sharpened ....and compromise is an essential part of ANY
Tell him how serious this is becoming for you and you cannot live this way for much longer. Look him directly in the eyes..hold his hand if you have to....make sure he understands that compromise is ESSENTIAL and what you need to is eat meat and not be hassled...and then ask him what he actually needs...
Maybe it is the brushing of the teeth...not a bad compromise really if the smell actually gets to him.....but that isn't my compromise or decision to make...
Good luck to both of you!