06-09-2009, 08:56 PM
OK, its gonna be a fairly lengthy post, so bear with me lol
A lad started where I work about 18 months ago, and almost straight away I had an incline about him. But as my workmates keep on saying to me: "you think every str8 bloke is gay" ...lol... So maybe that was true. It took a while for us to speak, but once we did there was no stopping us. It was very superficial, very fun, childish and silly, but it kinda made me feel good about myself (kinda strange really). Once lunchtime I popped round the pub, came back and he let me past on the stairs and I said "Cheers handsome", and he kinda look surprised and laughed. I said to my lesbian mate at work, I think he's gay/bi. She said I better get my gaydar out and look out for the signs. This was on a monday, by Saturday she had invited him out with us to a gay club. I kinda got excited. Very excited. At the club we all went outside for a smoke, and my str8 mate kissed this lesbian. Lol. I turned to this lad (J his name is) and said "Where's mine?" lol. Then he snogged my face off! But I was still half-and-half about it. He could have been for a laugh. In the club again, later on, I asked him cheekily for another, and he said "I've already give you one", I said "Go on, just another!" And he did! And we were all dancing dirty all night, etc. Then we snogged for a third time, although I don't remember how it started, I just remember snogging him. And it was wonderful, yet strange. I felt merged with him. And it lasted for a good 60 seconds. Then he pulled me away and said "I'm bisexual, not gay", I said "That's alright!" lol. Although looking back I wish I had responded differently, and maybe offered him out or something, because when we got out the club I asked him again and he said "I said I was bi-curious!"
Back at work monday, very tense lol. I said morning, he said morning back and put his head down
I was kinda scared to pull him about the weekend. I got his number off my mate and I text him saying its no-one's business, and I'm not gonna go around work shouting about it cos I ain't like that. And I don't want you thinking of me any differently. He text back saying I know you wouldn't go round telling anyone, but I'm not gay like you are, and there's no need to ignore each cos that would be silly. Obviously, I was gutted about that, but we were cool about. But all week it played on my mind, like I wasn't being told the whole truth. I text him again thursday and said it was doing my head in. And he kinda set the record straight. He said "it was a mistake and should never have happened, and I regret it. I just wanted to experience something. But quite simply its just never going to happen between us. I'm not gay. And I'm really sorry if I've hurt you" OK, fair enough. But him being straight, and him knowing that I'm gay, and knowing that I like him, it would have been nice telling what was going on beforehand. But letting me get my hopes up like that, and kissing me three times, I've already got into my head that he likes me, and something might happen. It's natural. But i text back saying not to regret, just put it down to experience. He said "Yeah it was a snog, FUCK IT!" I tried to ease the tension a little and tex him saying he was a good kisser and stuff like that. Next day he text me out of the blue saying what you up to and shit like that. It was a friday night, so I had a few drinks and text saying, in a humourous way, saying "You really got my hopes you know you [sod]" He said "Yeah I'm sorry about that, but you know you was a good kisser too!" Fair enough.
He was invited out again a few weeks later. It was weird. He kept staring at me, even while drinking. Even my mates were saying look at J keep staring at Sean. And every time I mentioned something like I'm on the pull tonight, his face would drop, according to my mates. Kinda strange. And of course I chose not to pursue J, cos we set the record straight and didn't wanna betray his trust. So I started dancing with this lad in a club. But nothing happened except that. We all went out for a smoke again, then J went up to my other gay mate and snogged his face off! In front of me. I'm like WTF? I was well pissed off, and I must say, jealous. But I felt lied to aswell. At that point I went home early. Next day we had a BBQ at my mates and J was there, and my mate who J snogged. J never really spoke all night. And we all had a few drinks lol. J went home and I text him more or less straight away - a drunken text - and said "I love you to bits and can't stop thinking about you!" Oh dear lol. He tex back saying "But you know I'm not gay [do i?]. But how are you anyway [I've been in his presence all night], you seemed a bit sad and lonely?" Again, I wish I was responded differently, but I was pissed off, so I text back, in a short way "Yeah, sound!" That was that.
Back at work monday lol. Very tense again. By the afternoon I apologised for the text, and he just laughed. I said "You fkn love it don't ya?!" So at that point I thought, these texts have got to stop!! I got home and sent him one last text and something along the lines of "I'm really sorry for the texts. You told me nothing was going to happen and I kept on pursuing it. I'm gonna leave you alone, and not mention anything about it again. If you wanna talk you know where I am" Not reply back. Next day at work he's ignoring me! And from that point on [July last year], he's been on-and-off with me. And because he was ignoring me, I started thinking it was all my fault, and that I've done something wrong. I got very depressed about it, and started drinking LOTS. And whenever I tried talking to him he was either harsh, unresponsive, or communication ended up at a stand-still. It really wound me up. The tension between us was just unreal. And every time he tried speaking to him , or him me, I couldn't speak properly and I'd get very nervous. And for months I tolerated the ignoring, and still kept on saying morning to him, or hi J etc, even though I'd get blank looks. Then I started ignoring him, just to teach him. Then when he realised I was ignoring him, he'd speak very nice to me. So I'd think he's learned his lesson and whats to talk to me again. So when I try and talk to him again, the same thing happened again. Really messed with my head. It makes it worse cos I'm still emotionally involved with him, more than ever, right this second, 11 months later. But for the last few weeks I've completely and utterly ignored him, I don't look at him, talk to him, nothing. But I still get nervous when he's around me. But he doesn't talk to me now either. I really don't know what to do. Its breaking my heart doing what I'm doing it, when really all I wanna do is give him a hug (or maybe I want to be hugged by him). Its turning very soar between us. Whenever he'd ignore me I'd get frustrated and I'd get angry, and its slowly turning to resentment. And I don't want to resent him. I feel like hurting him back, even though I don't want to. I've cried almost every day this year, at home, close to at work. I'm constantly depressed. I want to let go. I sometimes want to leave work. I've tried so hard to sever the tie, but he just won't go out of my mind. I've tried to have relationships and he's still there in my head. I feel such a fool. I feel weak and drained. I have no energy. What else is left to do?????
A lad started where I work about 18 months ago, and almost straight away I had an incline about him. But as my workmates keep on saying to me: "you think every str8 bloke is gay" ...lol... So maybe that was true. It took a while for us to speak, but once we did there was no stopping us. It was very superficial, very fun, childish and silly, but it kinda made me feel good about myself (kinda strange really). Once lunchtime I popped round the pub, came back and he let me past on the stairs and I said "Cheers handsome", and he kinda look surprised and laughed. I said to my lesbian mate at work, I think he's gay/bi. She said I better get my gaydar out and look out for the signs. This was on a monday, by Saturday she had invited him out with us to a gay club. I kinda got excited. Very excited. At the club we all went outside for a smoke, and my str8 mate kissed this lesbian. Lol. I turned to this lad (J his name is) and said "Where's mine?" lol. Then he snogged my face off! But I was still half-and-half about it. He could have been for a laugh. In the club again, later on, I asked him cheekily for another, and he said "I've already give you one", I said "Go on, just another!" And he did! And we were all dancing dirty all night, etc. Then we snogged for a third time, although I don't remember how it started, I just remember snogging him. And it was wonderful, yet strange. I felt merged with him. And it lasted for a good 60 seconds. Then he pulled me away and said "I'm bisexual, not gay", I said "That's alright!" lol. Although looking back I wish I had responded differently, and maybe offered him out or something, because when we got out the club I asked him again and he said "I said I was bi-curious!"
Back at work monday, very tense lol. I said morning, he said morning back and put his head down

He was invited out again a few weeks later. It was weird. He kept staring at me, even while drinking. Even my mates were saying look at J keep staring at Sean. And every time I mentioned something like I'm on the pull tonight, his face would drop, according to my mates. Kinda strange. And of course I chose not to pursue J, cos we set the record straight and didn't wanna betray his trust. So I started dancing with this lad in a club. But nothing happened except that. We all went out for a smoke again, then J went up to my other gay mate and snogged his face off! In front of me. I'm like WTF? I was well pissed off, and I must say, jealous. But I felt lied to aswell. At that point I went home early. Next day we had a BBQ at my mates and J was there, and my mate who J snogged. J never really spoke all night. And we all had a few drinks lol. J went home and I text him more or less straight away - a drunken text - and said "I love you to bits and can't stop thinking about you!" Oh dear lol. He tex back saying "But you know I'm not gay [do i?]. But how are you anyway [I've been in his presence all night], you seemed a bit sad and lonely?" Again, I wish I was responded differently, but I was pissed off, so I text back, in a short way "Yeah, sound!" That was that.
Back at work monday lol. Very tense again. By the afternoon I apologised for the text, and he just laughed. I said "You fkn love it don't ya?!" So at that point I thought, these texts have got to stop!! I got home and sent him one last text and something along the lines of "I'm really sorry for the texts. You told me nothing was going to happen and I kept on pursuing it. I'm gonna leave you alone, and not mention anything about it again. If you wanna talk you know where I am" Not reply back. Next day at work he's ignoring me! And from that point on [July last year], he's been on-and-off with me. And because he was ignoring me, I started thinking it was all my fault, and that I've done something wrong. I got very depressed about it, and started drinking LOTS. And whenever I tried talking to him he was either harsh, unresponsive, or communication ended up at a stand-still. It really wound me up. The tension between us was just unreal. And every time he tried speaking to him , or him me, I couldn't speak properly and I'd get very nervous. And for months I tolerated the ignoring, and still kept on saying morning to him, or hi J etc, even though I'd get blank looks. Then I started ignoring him, just to teach him. Then when he realised I was ignoring him, he'd speak very nice to me. So I'd think he's learned his lesson and whats to talk to me again. So when I try and talk to him again, the same thing happened again. Really messed with my head. It makes it worse cos I'm still emotionally involved with him, more than ever, right this second, 11 months later. But for the last few weeks I've completely and utterly ignored him, I don't look at him, talk to him, nothing. But I still get nervous when he's around me. But he doesn't talk to me now either. I really don't know what to do. Its breaking my heart doing what I'm doing it, when really all I wanna do is give him a hug (or maybe I want to be hugged by him). Its turning very soar between us. Whenever he'd ignore me I'd get frustrated and I'd get angry, and its slowly turning to resentment. And I don't want to resent him. I feel like hurting him back, even though I don't want to. I've cried almost every day this year, at home, close to at work. I'm constantly depressed. I want to let go. I sometimes want to leave work. I've tried so hard to sever the tie, but he just won't go out of my mind. I've tried to have relationships and he's still there in my head. I feel such a fool. I feel weak and drained. I have no energy. What else is left to do?????