Hey guys, I've come to find that this site has a lot of nice people and it's great to know that there is such a vast support network here.
I've recently befriended a person in his 50s and we are going to meet up and stuff...
I've seen heaps of pedophile videos of such creeper and horrible people that don't deserve to be in this world and now I am truly afraid. I really want to meet up but there's also a risk and I would definitely not put my life on the line for this but I'd like assurance and to actually meet up with nothing going wrong.
We're meeting up in a park that's close by to me but it's really large and there should be AT LEAST 2 people in the space of 200m squared.
Please give me advice and ask questions. I'm really anxious but I also really want to do this.
Thank you guys so much, it is very appreciated! <3
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xCody Wrote:Hey guys, I've come to find that this site has a lot of nice people and it's great to know that there is such a vast support network here.
I've recently befriended a person in his 50s and we are going to meet up and stuff...
I've seen heaps of pedophile videos of such creeper and horrible people that don't deserve to be in this world and now I am truly afraid. I really want to meet up but there's also a risk and I would definitely not put my life on the line for this but I'd like assurance and to actually meet up with nothing going wrong.
We're meeting up in a park that's close by to me but it's really large and there should be AT LEAST 2 people in the space of 200m squared.
Please give me advice and ask questions. I'm really anxious but I also really want to do this.
Thank you guys so much, it is very appreciated! <3
The vast difference in your ages does sound very creepy. I would suggest that you meet in a much more public place with more than just two people in the vicinity.
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
You're 16 and he's 50. Look, I don't care if he sounds like the second coming of Jesus Christ online...don't meet this guy.
You are absolutely right to be hesitant. My ex of 7 years was a cop, he worked cyber crimes for a while, and the stories I could tell you would make you freak out for sure. The possibility of rape is a huge issue, I can't begin to tell you how many young guys found themselves being drugged and then raped. A public park is not safe...freaking Starbucks isn't safe, this is a bad idea.
Sorry if I sound dramatic and over the top...this is a very serious situation.
PLEASE rethink this.
I think that if you're afraid of something or not comfortable for whatever reason you just shouldn't meet him.
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One piece of advice: If you were ever to meet a guy in his 50s, be sure to keep an eye on what you're gonna drink. I think it's better to order something by yourself.
Is it possible to ask your best friend to have your back somewhere near the park? Just a thought.
I tend to agree with [MENTION=24520]Pyromancer[/MENTION] on this one. Maybe because my ex (age 40)turned out to be a pervert who stayed with me for professional and social respectability and financial security while his "other life" consisted of "befriending" young guys online and persuading them to meet him - for sex, nothing else.
You met this guy online. Where? Who made the first approach? What have you talked about? Whose idea was it to meet? Why do you want to meet? What do you expect to happen?
There is no way at all that meeting this guy is a good idea.
Being safe is an understatement of course. It is good that you are meeting out in a public place. Don't give him to much personal information, if he turns out to be a flake, you'll be glad he doesn't know to much about you.
If you're into older guys, which it sounds like you are, there are still laws in place that even with consent at your age (16) may be against the law where you live. If someone finds out of your activities he may face charges and you embarrassment. Please keep in mind safe sex is always a must, maintain a self-disclosed record of your tests to make sure your not picking up any STD's while your out playing around.
Lately, it seems like we have quite a few newbies here claiming to be 16 years old and seeking advice about things they are too immature to understand, let alone be involved with. It's the first red flag, as far as I'm concerned.
Second red flag is the obvious: a man in his 50s seeking out teenagers, whether they be male or female, gay or straight should scream danger. Someone too young and too immature would not be equipped to fully see the riskiness of this situation AND they are being controlled by something other than their good-decison-making brains.
While drugging and rape are definitely a real concern, there might be an even bigger one. You can't underestimate the damage that can be caused emotionally and psychologically.
A predator is most likely very skilled at manipulation and control. The damage that can cause is likely to be even worse that a physical attack. Longer lasting, too.
Cody, why are you interested in such old men, especially when the creepiness factor is obvious even to you?
The park is a bad idea. You need a more populated space for a first meet. Either that, or you need to bring a friend along to ensure your safety.
If you're meeting for sex, then the park is appropriate.
That said? No matter where you meet or even if you decide to back out, you need to remember that YOU have to be the one in charge. YOU need to be the one making decisions. Do not allow another to manipulate you into anything you don't want to do, whether in planning or in the moment. Lots of things sound like a good idea in one's head but are a really BAD idea in the moment. Listen to your instincts, not him and not your dick either.
Also, IF you decide to go meet him, no matter where it is.... take a moment and write down his information. ALL information you have including name, phone number, email address, online information such as sites and profiles. Put it under your pillow, or somewhere your parents (or police) will find it if you go missing.