11-28-2010, 11:54 AM
(crap english) ok so maybe some people might remember me posting bout how lonely ifelt bout my life and i thought i would never find anyone and you guys kept tellin me that i would and well you were right
i found the most amazing guy my age and we hav everytin in common and hes like my bestfriend aswell as my boyfriend and last night on my couch he said "I love you luke" and thats a very big thing for me cause iv had my fair share of fellas and i actuly felt wanted this time
so i guess i just had to say this cause i used to feel so shit bout my life and he basiclly saved me
sooo too lonely guys out there,the feeling defo passes i mean theres somebody out their for everyone so dont lose hope guys :biggrin: all it takes is patience
cya nd thanks

cya nd thanks
