12-15-2010, 06:37 AM
Marvinteck Wrote:Slow down and breath. Take some time and figure out what you like before you slap a label on yourself. Nobody chooses to be gay so its perfectly normal to feel extremely depressed and not want to be gay. When I first truly realized I liked guys and I came out to my family my exact words were “ I hate myself because Im gay and I want to kill myselfâ€Â. The first month or two after I came out of the closet were extremely rough and I was very depressed because I wanted to be straight and not gay. Once you adjust to the idea of being gay it really Is not all that bad. Its been three months since I came out and my outlook is 110% better than it was when I first realized I liked guys. Once you accept yourself it gets allot easier as time passes.
Doesnt matter if you are straight or gay, either way the world is not going to end. Good luck on finding yourself. We will be here for you if you need some people to talk too. Take your time because there is no rush. Most importantly stay calm whatever you decide to do.
Here is my coming out story: http://gayspeak.com/coming-out/14390-my-...story.html
hehehehe... you used the same percentage I did in your thread.

Oh, and asexual, another suggestion of mine is to youtube some soaps and shows that have gay stories. Those might help too