Sounds great...keep interacting with LGBT group and don't be afraid to be a little pushy. So do they have social hours? Maybe volunteer to coordinate a meeting in the area of your expertise (what do you love to do?) you could....
1. Host a game night
2. Have a cooking party
3. Have movie night
4. Outing at a museum
5. Host a speed dating event
6. Host a single valentines night at local restaurant.
7. Try to coordinate spring break vacation
8. Study group
9. Discussion group
10. Singles therapy group
I can understand how lonely can feel, and I agree with an earlier poster internet dating isnt the way to go if your looking for a srs relationship. The suggestions from everyone telling you to be pro active are right on the money. You gotta get out there. Dont settle for less than you want, go for the gold man.
That said, be sure your happy with you even if your not in a relationship. Being in one isnt the end all and be all. If your not happy with you, then being with someone else isnt going to improve things. If you are happy with yourself then being with someone else is a gift.
Good luck finding your guy! There are some out there ya just gotta put the effort in to it!
I'm late to this but wanted to comment... For some reason, my middle 20's were a much lonelier time for me than my lower or upper 20's, despite me being pretty single for all of it. It can be tough to feel like you'll never meet the one. The best advice I can give is to focus on doing what you need to. Sure, look around on sites for friends etc... but if you're just searching site after site every night and coming off desperate, it won't do much good (besides finding a gross guy desperate in his own way for a hook-up). But if you're doing well in a job, working out regularly, etc, it'll help draw guys to you and your profile.