Cuprofen, maybe i take a second one and get some good night sleep.
Yes this could be the answer. why next week i am not overly drugged.. hopefully i am going to be better sooner than one week :tongue:
anything with profen in it's name gotta be damaging your brain
they gave me percaset (sp?) and hydrocodone and it screwed me up - I was better off with the pain!
hey, go to see the doctor a.s.a.p.!
sometimes it doesn't take a very obvious effort to cause back pain, it's one of the more sensitive regions for some people, myself included. being a student and having to work many nights in a row, i think i fucked up my back a little by spending too much time in the same position, building scale models on the floor or working on the computer. usually after one of those nights it hurts like hell and my backbone becomes very stiff, so you can imagine what it's like after 2 or 3 nights. that is why sometimes it hurts for no reason at all, although i admit not as bad as you say it is for you... so take care of your backbone, it's supposed to support you for many many years! make sure that you put as little pressure on it as possible, and when you want to pick up something you can try not bending your backbone, but your feet (like athletes lifting weights). much easier on the spine.
good health spoty!
YEAH! This thread is awesome - let's all sit around like purple haired old ladies and talk about our ailments...someone can volunteer to be the obnoxious Jewish one.
I'll make some tea.
Personally I think I have a deep vain thrombosis in my leg - it's so, so, painful.
What do you think of the new doctor/preist/lady at the post office?
If, after Tuesday (15/10/07), I havn't posted anything IT WAS A DVT AND I'M DEAD. ADIEU
sounds like time for a new doc!
get well soon mate!! an yer change yer doc he should av checked all the pressure points on your back to find out where the pain woz coming from!! you can also get a chill if ya sleep exposed in the night I had dat an thought it woz back pain at first!! took about a week to get better!!