Learn how to turn straight guys gay, See on my youtube account Dovemkdon2011
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Threads: 40
Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
I'm pretty sure Gay88 that this quallifies as spam.
And i'm pretty sure spam isn't allowed on this forum.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
omg he should go on Dragon's Den with that invention,he'll make a forturne....NOT!
there is no turning anyone gay straight or bisexual. this is how itis. mu are either born one way or another but you cant ever change that. we dont choose to be bi or gay or staight u just are its simple. i mean i didnt wake up one monrning and say hmmmmmmm i think im going to suck a dick today. ummmmm no thats not how it went down it just happend because i knew what i am its not a decision its a life style
If a straight man decided he was going to turn gay then to be honest in my opinion he was never straight.. My ex has a fantasy to sleep with a hetrosexual man but if he did that then the fellas would never be hetrosexual in the first place... Besides going round trying to turn every man gay isnt a wise move.... Ever heard of BNP???? I think they would bring a clause in and rid the UK of gauy rights...
Kindest regards
I know it's a spam or a joke and we are born like the way we are but I just was thinking about turning world population like 50% gay and 50% straight. Think that could be interesting, don't y'all think. How would the world look like?