08-04-2011, 07:26 AM
WOW! I remember that feeling well and it has been so long since I felt it so it must have vanished along the way because it was STRONG when I was young with my first boyfriends. I wish I had a magical answer/solution for you but I can instead speculate in case it will help you at all.....
I remember the day I realized that the things I got mad at with my first boyfriend were all the things I was doing. I got upset when he looked at guys...thought about other guys...and I realized I did the same things and that other guys turned me on and the day I am referring to (I remember I was on my way to the theatre to see Andy Warhol's Dracula and I was drooling at the thought of seeing Joe Dallessandro naked...and he was...and I drooled:biggrin
...and I think I was so turned on to Joe and I realized that I was worried that he would be as turned on to other guys as I was to Joe...that was one Eureka moment...
....I mellowed alot after that realization....
Today my philosophy is this...You can never be everything to someone else...and why would you want to be? That would be quite a feat and who needs it?...I think romantics and the works of fiction they have produced have given us all a distorted sense of what love really is and how people in love "should" feel. As hurtful as it might be...if a guy tells you that he only thinks of you and is not attracted to other men...he is probably lying to you or to himself.
If you are ready for it...ask him what guys turn him on...and tell him what guys turn you on. Maybe you can fantasize together?
I remember the day I realized that the things I got mad at with my first boyfriend were all the things I was doing. I got upset when he looked at guys...thought about other guys...and I realized I did the same things and that other guys turned me on and the day I am referring to (I remember I was on my way to the theatre to see Andy Warhol's Dracula and I was drooling at the thought of seeing Joe Dallessandro naked...and he was...and I drooled:biggrin

....I mellowed alot after that realization....
Today my philosophy is this...You can never be everything to someone else...and why would you want to be? That would be quite a feat and who needs it?...I think romantics and the works of fiction they have produced have given us all a distorted sense of what love really is and how people in love "should" feel. As hurtful as it might be...if a guy tells you that he only thinks of you and is not attracted to other men...he is probably lying to you or to himself.
If you are ready for it...ask him what guys turn him on...and tell him what guys turn you on. Maybe you can fantasize together?