08-10-2011, 08:16 AM
I am an 18 year old korean male. I am going off to move into my college dorm in 3 weeks but I really need to get this off my chest. I am really scared for what my parents' reactions would be like. I have no doubt my grandma will be negative about it for a while. I am not that worried about my mom because I have a feeling she will just look at me with a shameful look and tsk tsk at me or something and go on with life but I am worried for my dad. I do not wish to break his heart or my mom or grandma. During the past 2 years or so, my dad always brings up the topic of marriage. Today in the afternoon my dad was talking about going on a cruise as a family in 10 years and he said it would be nice to go as a family after I am married. Everytime I hear my dad bring up marriage, I get nervous and my heart would stop. I can easily tell my dad looks forward to my marriage since I am his oldest son and it breaks my heart to know that he'll never see that day. My brother is the only one who knows I am gay and sometimes he tells me that my dad would give a look of disgust when something "gay" happens on TV. I am really scared and I do not know how much longer I can hide this from my family. Please help me on how to approach my parents without giving them too much shock. Should I tell my mom first and have her tell my dad? Should I confront them both at the same time? I know my mom and dad love me with all their heart. My dad even told me that he loves me so much that it's sickening (not in a gross incest way). If I do end up coming out to my parents then I have to come out to everyone including my friends and future friends that I will make in college which will be a whole other topic for me. I am just scared of the negative outcomes that could occur. Please help me! I would appreciate to see your personal experiences and what you guys to come out to parents similar to mine or not. By the way if you guys did not notice by now, I am not confident about my sexual orientation. I do not like that I am gay but I am so I have to learn to appreciate it yet I am still struggling to accept it. I am a person who is sensitive to what other people might think of me so I am worried of all the negative perceptions people might see in me. I also have many relatives in korea and I have no idea how they will take it when they find out about me because I heard that being gay in Korea was a "taboo" subject and that gays are rare there. Please help me. I have no one to talk to about this since my brother hates gays. None of my friends know I am gay so I am alone in this. I have only the internet to depend on.