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A new dream thread.
72jay Wrote:Here's one of mine from a couple weeks ago:

I'm leaving work (or maybe college) for the day, so I'm walking towards my car in the parking lot. As I get closer I notice there's a group of a few guys standing nearby talking & one of them is sorta leaning against my car. I think he's goodlooking/cute, and kinda hate the fact I'm gonna have to ask them to move so I can get out.

I arrive at the car. He says hi & we start talking, turns out he's an old friend I hadn't seen in a long time (and who I don't remember), he was waiting there to say hello/get to know me again, so we could be friends (maybe more).
We talk briefly before I wake up

* Have no clue where that came from, but it was a cool dream.
* In real life I don't have any friends who look like the dreamed guy.
* I don't remember the very end part of the dream - what we said/etc

Lots of "shadow figures" in our dreams lately.


Any chance he's a slice of you you'd like to know better?

Basically, you're finished for the day and ready to leave but you're held up unexpectedly by someone you once knew but would like to know better.

Who's holding you up in real life? Are you in your own way?

LateBloomer Wrote:The biggest point I was trying to make is that in your dream, since you're a freshman and just starting out in a new "school" with new "friends" all of that seems to suggest that inside yourself you feel the same way....

New things to learn.
New ways to live.
New friends to make.

Even though in real life you already graduated college, subconsciously you feel like you're starting something new. And that's a pretty cool dream to have.

This is pretty interesting considering logically it would seem that I should be dreaming about an ending, not beginning, but truly at this point in my life I am at a beginning. I don't have anywhere to pay rent, I don't have any job, and I could go anywhere and do anything I wanted, so I am at a pretty fresh beginning, and I DO feel that I will be learning new things, making new friends and so forth.

Thanks again for all of your intersting insights and speculations, I do myself feel that dreams have some application to everyday life, they're just a separate reality, like psychedelics:biggrin:.

-Der Jack
"Lately it occurs to me, what a long strange trip it's been"

DerJack Wrote:This is pretty interesting considering logically it would seem that I should be dreaming about an ending, not beginning, but truly at this point in my life I am at a beginning. I don't have anywhere to pay rent, I don't have any job, and I could go anywhere and do anything I wanted, so I am at a pretty fresh beginning, and I DO feel that I will be learning new things, making new friends and so forth.

Thanks again for all of your intersting insights and speculations, I do myself feel that dreams have some application to everyday life, they're just a separate reality, like psychedelics:biggrin:.

-Der Jack
"Lately it occurs to me, what a long strange trip it's been"

But dreams are not logical, that's the point.


Good luck with your new "start".
Happy New Year.

The dream can't stop pop in my brain. This time I am a kid, a simple memory... A early Christmas morning I'm walking up the murder hill (Cause its so steep and high its painful to walk) to go sledding, but when i get up to the top, out of no where i start eat cereal as the other dreams, but this time the "Camera (Or what to call your self when you see your self as third person perspective)" goes in circle above my head, and i am in the center of this hill and it is in the center of the town, but this time, as time goes by i see my self literally aging, from kid, to elder... and at the end dies and wakes up the same second.

What gives!? Sad Why am I still dreaming it? And what is with this new symbols in the puzzle mean?

Aester Wrote:The dream can't stop pop in my brain. This time I am a kid, a simple memory... A early Christmas morning I'm walking up the murder hill (Cause its so steep and high its painful to walk) to go sledding, but when i get up to the top, out of no where i start eat cereal as the other dreams, but this time the "Camera (Or what to call your self when you see your self as third person perspective)" goes in circle above my head, and i am in the center of this hill and it is in the center of the town, but this time, as time goes by i see my self literally aging, from kid, to elder... and at the end dies and wakes up the same second.

What gives!? Sad Why am I still dreaming it? And what is with this new symbols in the puzzle mean?

Hi Aester.

I need to sleep soon, long day for me, but wanted to respond to your dream first.

New symbols, but sort of same theme, right?

Still eating cereal and you're still "at the center" as in some of your other dreams.

Climbing a mountain might symbolize completing a challenge you've been working on. And now that you're at the top, it's all downhill from there (easy, compared to the difficult climb).

Your dreams can be a little abstract and difficult for me, but I'll have more time in a couple days to ask more questions. Maybe in the meantime you can provide a little more info that you remember about the dream.

Merry Christmas.

Pix Wrote:I had 2 adult dreams of fairy tale witches which I bet you'd love to hear about. I'll see if I can find the details in my old dream journal (I'm pretty sure I recorded both of them) and if I can I'll share about them here. Confusedmile:

And here they are:

Quote:July 4, 2002

It was dusk. I heard the classic laughter of "the wicked witch." I knew her touch was death and I ran to get inside. As I ran to my door I looked behind me and saw a green-skinned witch on her broom flying close to me. I ran inside, but my door wouldn't close and the witch came in and I fell to the floor.

She had green skin (but no warts that I recall), eyes that were orange like pumpkins, yet also like the setting sun in a way, with a black iris that had twinkling stars within them. Her hair was like fine, mossy brown roots that fell in a tangle. She wore a black garment. Her smile was pretty. And I knew she was My Death.

Yet instead of fleeing, I was filled with an uncontrollable lust. Lust is too weak a word actually. The kind of lust that is worth braving a hundred thousand deaths. Staring at her, I stood up, and noticed how tall she was. I reached out and embraced my death kissing and fondling her and she returned my caresses. She then acquired a phallus and fucked me as if she were a man and it was one of the most incredible erotic experiences ever. Then she turned into a normal seeming woman and I was a man, and I fucked her. I cannot describe how wonderfully erotic this dream was.

What is haunting me is at the last part . We were both blissfully naked and relaxed in our normal forms afterwards until she pointed at something and I saw something significant. When I turned back, she was gone. And I now cannot recall what it was I looked at!

And this next one I'll share in my own words now as I don't think it would make sense in it's original form (as it refers to knowledge about me you don't have). So, in May of 2004, I dreamt I was ambushed by an evil fairy-tale witch while I was a kid back in an East Texas Bible Belt school (which is where I was first accused of being a witch myself, btw), and overcame her, taking her broom away and beating her off with it, and then I became an evil witch that replaced her.

I had a lot of fun flying on the broom during the moonlit night and during the day me and my evil sisters would hide as mist in trees until night came. In this dream, I DID try to negate some of my evil by choosing those who I thought deserved it, like finding guys who tried to rape me and turning them into rodents instead of just anyone.

Then this force (*) came and turned me into a "good witch" (by myself) and I used my powers to bring peace and justice to the world and even the United Nations held worship rites to me, but after I woke up I realized I had been the biggest self-righteous tyrant the world ever had (and I thought of Galadriel's words in LOTR: "In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair!")

(*This sentient and enigmatic force used to appear frequently in my dreams and seemed to delight in placing me in strange and epic circumstances just to see how I'd react, and may very well have been the same ones offering rings & bracelets that granted wishes.)

Anyway, I thought you'd find those interesting. Confusedmile:

Pix Wrote:And here they are:

Anyway, I thought you'd find those interesting. Confusedmile:

Yes! Thanks! Very interesting. But before I respond to them I want to research the "witch" archetype (is there such a thing? I have no idea). Unfortunately I'm on the road for work until the New Year so I'm away from my books at home.

I promise I'll dig into these dreams sometime around the New Year.


LateBloomer Wrote:Lots of "shadow figures" in our dreams lately.
Any chance he's a slice of you you'd like to know better?

Basically, you're finished for the day and ready to leave but you're held up unexpectedly by someone you once knew but would like to know better.

and in the dream I didn't mind being delayed by that guy. Cool As I mentioned I don't remember the end part just before I woke up but I may have had "thoughts" (what do you call dream 'thoughts'? LOL) along the line of he'd be a nice boyfriend <I know I thought that after waking up Smile ... why-o-why do dreams have to generate such great guys??? >

LateBloomer Wrote:Who's holding you up in real life? Are you in your own way?
Just me, myself & I ... and my pathetic life LOL

Latebloomer, you're going to have a filed day with this one. I honestly woke up like two hours earlier than usually simply so that I could remember all of the pristine detaisl and attached emotions.

The first half of the dream consisted of me going to a friends house to play some games, I think Xbox, but I dunno. We smoked a little and had a good time (I remember very little of this half, it may not even have occurred for very long). Anyways, as I was going to leave the house (apartment it actually seemed at this point, double level and long with extending walkways and stairways connecting off the back, really odd situation in the front). As I came out someone passing by on the street shouted my name and I turned to look, there was a short girl with mousy hair walking with an older woman and gentleman looking at me. Instantly my eyes recognized her, but it took time for me to recognize why I knew her, then i realized that she was someone I had fallen for once before, but we had never gotten together. I realized as we exchanged "How are you's" and "Good fine about you's" that I had fallen for her hard, and the main reason I had not recognized her was because her hair was dyed red. Her parents, as they appeared to be at this point in time mentioned something about continuing to walk downtown (which was nearby). Before they could though I had to give her a hug. I walked over and picked her up by the small of her back and pressed her into my body, feeling, smelling and adoring her. I actually continued 'waddling' around with her in my arms like this, on the verge of tears, and feeling very close to her.

At this point I recalled that she was semi mentally unstable and that that was one of the key reasons we never ended up together, but at the moment I didn't care a bit. The majority of the time of the dream was spent in this embrace, which was WONDERFUL (I love when my dreams treat me with such good real feelings). Eventually I set her back down on the pavement and she crossed to join her parents. As they began to walk on, her mom walked over to me and mentioned something about (it gets kinda fuzzy here) but something about someone in similar situations calling the other person everytime they were in town, to which I got a big grin on my face and responded that my number was still in her phone, or so I thought. I'd like to mention here that the whole dream had kind of an odd Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind feel to it.

After they walked down the street I went to leave, only to realize that my bike was at the front of the house-partment, not at the back and so I went back in, went to grab something that I had thought I had forgotten inside (which it turns out I had not) and proceeded out the front door. For some reason the front didn't have porches of any sort, just stairs going straight down from the door, and a like one foot wide ledge protruding out over the second story. Somehow my bike was here, making it difficult to grab. I tried a couple times by shuffling along the ledge, until I heard someone begin to open the door (making the maneuver seem ridiculous and dangerous) which is when it hit me that I'm tall, and that I could in fact stand on a small hill in the yard and grab my bike down from the ledge, so I did. I then began to ride down the street,or rather back up the hill on top of which I lived (my most recent apartment that I've now moved out of).

That's where the dream ended.... although when I awoke (this is kind of funny, but plausibly significant) I had the lyrics of the Spice Girls song If You Wanna be My Lover, specifically the "Make it last forever, friendship never ends" bit. I should also mention that the girl in my dream is not a real person per se, but she is a figment of my subconscious that my brain tells me has occurred in dreams before, likely being a close representation of a girl I did have a crush on, though is just a great friend and I have accepted that way.

And one last thing I might mention, when I went to bed last night I was thinking a lot about someone I just met who I really like and how he's really far away, and how great it would be to see him walking off the tarmac into the strong embrace of my arms.

I think that about covers it all. Take your time, I know you've been travelling, so relax and enjoy the travels, but I do look forward to your interpretations.


Aester Wrote:The dream can't stop pop in my brain. This time I am a kid, a simple memory... A early Christmas morning I'm walking up the murder hill (Cause its so steep and high its painful to walk) to go sledding, but when i get up to the top, out of no where i start eat cereal as the other dreams, but this time the "Camera (Or what to call your self when you see your self as third person perspective)" goes in circle above my head, and i am in the center of this hill and it is in the center of the town, but this time, as time goes by i see my self literally aging, from kid, to elder... and at the end dies and wakes up the same second.

What gives!? Sad Why am I still dreaming it? And what is with this new symbols in the puzzle mean?

Hey Aester, I wanted to give your dream some attention before I totally forgot about it, sorry it's been so long (busy days, etc...)

First of all, when you refer to the "camera", I think the word you're looking for is "perspective" or maybe "point of view", but no worries I understand you perfectly.


Sometimes in our dreams mountains (hill, in this case) can symbolize a project you need to accomplish. It can be an obstacle; something you need to "get over"; it can be a "challenge". Since this is a hill, not a mountain, it doesn't seem HUGE! And in fact, you make it to the top, so you accomplished your goal, even though it was like "murder", steep and painful.

Christmas and Morning, to me, both represent new beginnings. The start of something new. So, you're taking a sled (apparently with the intention of coming back to the bottom and going to the top again repeatedly?) on Christmas morning to the top of this hill (challenge/problem/project).

You're at the top and center of the hill, which is in the center of your town and then you're at the center of "focus" when the perspective changes and you can see yourself aging from child to elder, which ends in death and then you wake up.

As I said, I enjoy your dreams but they are very difficult for me.

The things that keep coming back are:
--Eating cereal
--Being on top
--Being at the center

The cereal has me stumped. I just can't figure this out. But it seems to me being on top and at the center of things is a very positive condition (much better than being low and marginalized).

Having you at the center as your "point of view" circles above you while you age and then die seems (to me) quite heavenly. Circles are very divine; represent God and eternity and infinity and such...I wonder since this dream occurs on Christmas morning and in real life, in fact, towards the end of the year, if you're not just reflecting a bit on the passing of another year (death).

But next month is the start of something new and yet another year to "surmount"; another challenge. Back to the bottom of the hill on your sled, only to climb yet another steep hill, with all the murderous pain. You'll be on top this time next year and sled down into another New Year....

That's what I'm feeling with this dream, but it doesn't really explain why you keep dreaming of cereal and mountains. Just keep sharing your dreams, maybe we'll figure it out eventually.


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