Is there a way for me to help teens struggling with their sexuality and who have home or school issues? Something like the Trevor Project or something? Suicidie prevention hotlines perhaps? I don't know if there is anybody here he belongs to a local organization that actively does this, but if you do, please tell me how you got involved and how I can too. Dan Savage might have started the It Gets Better project, but I'd love to help and actually Make It Better, if you know what I mean. Any advice?
the the local lgbt center here in denver is active. be aware they are fairly protective
the city and county of denver has a child mentor program, either through torturing at the schools or on your own activity based events like sports events, movies. a straight guy at work has a child come by sometimes and play video games in his home, he feeds him, they work on home work together. the bring your child to work day he brought his latest adopted child. the organization interviews you quite heavy
-i am not going to tell them i am not gay. i am not going to take off my ring either.
-i dont know what their reactions would be.` i have a husband, a front yard, dogs/cats and a life.
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
10-28-2011, 02:35 AM
(Edited 10-28-2011, 02:36 AM by James.)
trevor project, yellowribbonorg, glsen, local antisuicide hot lines, and as always, check the streets, I find many there, step in have them call home after they trust u by talking to them and buying them food and essentials, be he liason between them and their parents, James
I personally have been thinking at volenteering at these pflag meetings my town holds. check out your pflag stuff in your town. they should have a website and volenteer button. maybe---- lol. I may not be out of the closet yet- but i too have been severely hungering to send out some help. i may volenteer at the gay church here too. i hear they have meetings every month. I'm pretty much on your boat lol.
I go to to a queer youth support group. Pretty much a way to net work with other queer kids. Tho some of them can be a bit sticky with people just looking for a hookup. But we have got good facilitation and a good group of kids. It is just a safe place to talk about anything we want and to oragnise events like next weekend we are doing a big get together for queer youth (aged 12-24) and will be doing workshops. I get to do one on self-defense n.n