12-04-2007, 04:49 PM
wouldlikemuscle Wrote:In English...
"I adore Shadow - for me, it is as a breath of fresh air... I would like to make him a small cake as a gift... because it is SO beautiful... and I adore it."
Was I right... huh?? Does I gets another cookie!!??
Awwwwwwwwwwww babe !! SO CLOSE !! Just replace "it" with "he" and you've got it ... I said "I adore Shadow - for me, he is like a breath of fresh air ... I would like to make him a small cake as a gift ... because he is so nice, and I adore him".
Lol. Self-praise is no praise, but I was just giving it as an example and so YES !! You can have a cookie *pats Wouldlikemuscle on the bonce* AND you can share Twazzle's fairycake with me !!

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!