Granted. Unfortunately your magic wand has taken the place of your penis.
I wish I was financially successful.
Granted, but the day you make your first million, you get a tax bill for 3 million.
I wish my caretaker didn't have guard duty this weekend.
Granted. That person is now dead.
I wish I had the body of a 18 year old.
Granted. But the feds are on you and you have no time to hide it :biggrin:
I hope my boyfriend likes the lube I bought.
He does so much that he starts and finishes without you... for the rest of time.
I wish I had a good piece of salmon steak right now.
... now im afraid to use the lube....
Granted. Its breaded with used cat litter though.
I wish my brain would slow its roll.
• now have a one track mind.
I wish I knew what to wish for.
Granted. Your toe nails now change color based on your mood. The wish has also made you blind.
I wish I was a little shorter.
Granted but you are a little shorter in all the wrong places and your height stays the same
I wish I had a different mother
Granted. Your mother won't be born for another 10 years. You are now a paradox and are being erased from time.
I wish I had more time.