Granted. Some things you just can't unlearn and it will haunt you for the rest of your days.
I wish I had the Tardis.
granted... Your enclosed with anything not human
I wish for a nice clean welkl painted home
Granted! You now own a painting.
I wish I didn't have to work today.
Granted! you are now fired
I wish I had a well paying job
Granted......But you never have time off.
I wish my granddaughter would change her mind about wanting a motorbike .
Granted. She wants a submarine instead.
I wish I didn't have a headache.
Granted, you now have a massive back ache
I wish my laundry washed itself
Granted. Your laundry washes cat pee.
I wish it was less windy.
Granted, but now there is an infestation of locusts swarming everywhere.
I wish I wasn't feeling sleepy already.