Granted, but it's also the day the IRS audits you, and you OWE no paycheck for you!!!
I wish I had the power of mind reading.....
Granted, but now everyone has stopped thinking, so reading their minds is a little dull.
I wish I could be more forgiving of mainstream pop music.
Granted, now all you hear in your head is pop music......
I wish I had something better to do than this..
Granted, but now you leave, we are all very sad, and we send for a massive search for Mr. Tinkles.
I wish my brain made sense.
• that you understand your brain, all the scientists want to grab you and ask you billions of questions about it.
I wish I did not have to do, what I have to do, in order to just survive
Granted. Now you will be alive forever....and join the Twilight Cullen family!
I wish I could find acne medication that worked.
Granted, but it makes your skin turn bright purple and smells like snozzberries.
I wish I could give my friends nice gifts...
granted it works but has side effects making you act drowsy & stupid
I wish there was a thunderstorm tonite