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  Don't Ask Don't Tell Survey Findings
Posted by: Nat3 - 12-08-2010, 03:00 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (1)

The finding of the survey are finally out. I wonder what excuse politicians will use now for the stalling of a law that should be repealed. As it goes agaisnt honor, trust, and liberty.

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Posted by: Nat3 - 12-08-2010, 02:57 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (1)

The finding of the survey are finally out. I wonder what excuse politicians will use now for the stalling of a law that should be repealed. As it goes agaisnt honor, trust, and liberty.

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  The Beaver
Posted by: Ultra - 12-07-2010, 08:36 PM - Forum: Movies - Replies (4)

IMDb Video: The Beaver: Trailer #1

This is a new movie that is going to star Mel Gibson. He plays a troubled man who communicates with a beaver hand puppet. I must say that this is highly original, yet also extremely creepy at the same time. In fact, I believe this one of the most original movies I've encountered in years. Don't believe me? Watch the trailer above.

For more info. Go here: The Beaver (2011) - IMDb

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  Hitting the Wall
Posted by: TimmyThink - 12-05-2010, 11:42 PM - Forum: Everyday-Stories - Replies (2)

So I’m about to share to much information, so stop reading if you’re bashful.

Okay here is the deal so last night I had a pretty fun night of hockey an about 4 hours of MMA and after my night of aggressive sports I was felling..well lets just say my beard was filled manly testosterone. So I get home about 1:50 feeling still felling….well I’ll say this if I had a significant other last night, it would have been on like Donkey Kong as the kids say these days. I decide to work it off an put on my gloves an work the heavy bag < not a euphemism) for a while. So now it’s it about 3ish in the am and I’m still feeling all jazzed up, so than I grab my laptop. I load up some girl on girl porn an lay back, AN NOTHING HAPPENS!!! I get 7 minutes into a 26mins video and little Timmy < total euphemism) isn’t waking up.

I mean not a few days ago I was bragging about my speed on this very forum, an now I can’t even get it up. I pause the video and decide to get up an pace around for a minute than get back to business but I get distracted by TV Cops was on an there was some crazy dude trying to pick up hookers while in handcuffs, it was really funny but it made me lose it again.

On the plus side I was only by myself so the only one I disappointed was myself, again on the plus I didn’t have to make an awkward apology or have the even more awkward conversation about how it happens to everyone sometimes. Oh yeah I also got this funny little tale to tell about how a I’m so sexual inept I can’t even satisfy myself, seriously boys the proposal line starts on the left.:biggrin:

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  2022 World Cup in Quatar
Posted by: fredv3b - 12-02-2010, 06:10 PM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (4)

How do you kick Homophobia out of football at the same time as hoping to compete in a World Cup hosted by a homophobic country? Just asking...

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  World AIDS Day 2010
Posted by: marshlander - 12-01-2010, 12:10 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (5)

As you will all know, today is World AIDS Day. Most days I think about people who have gone from my life, but thinking about them today carries that little extra poignancy.

I notice that today's Independent newspaper has been edited by Elton John.
Welcome to 'The Independent' with a difference - Press, Media - The Independent

I know that HIV/AIDS is everyone's concern, but when I read a report like this one we are clearly losing sight of the ball.
Comment: We’ve got to change gay men’s attitudes to cut HIV - Pink News

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Posted by: marshlander - 11-25-2010, 01:31 PM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (2)

I doubt that many here will be completely unaware of the challenges that have been faced by the people of this beautiful land since the promise of its independence was buried beneath the tyranny of Robert Mugabe. I am not sure to what extent life has improved since Morgan Tsvangirai, his long-time political opponent, was appointed Prime Minister. To this day Peter Tatchell bears the damage from the time when Mugabe's bodyguards knocked him unconscious for attempting to perform a "citizen's arrest" on Mr Mugabe in 2001 in Brussels on account of the president's flouting international law against torture (PT had already attempted something similar a couple of years earlier in London). Mr Mugabe is on record as saying that glbt men and women are lower than dogs and should not expect to have any human rights. Consequently life has been very tough there for glbt people.

What a refreshing read then is this article by legal practitioner and former magistrate Tazorora TG Musarurwa. It seems like a very brave move to write so openly in the current climate. Xyxthumbs

Should homosexuals have rights in new Zim constitution?

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  Education is the key?
Posted by: marshlander - 11-18-2010, 03:31 PM - Forum: UK-News - Replies (5)

I happen to have a little faith in education. Present young people with facts and give them the opportunity for discussion. Even better follow it up with a whole policy and action. Two news stories today struck me as contrasting approaches to the effectiveness of education. I wonder if either of them is not really a story at all?

Quote:The Safe Space programme will seek financial support from Europe, as well as match-funding contribution from the Welsh education sector, in order to deliver activities aimed at reducing the instances of homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic bullying and improving the equality for students and adults in the Welsh education system.

It is pioneered by the Wales LGBT Excellence Centre whose chief executive Federico Podeschi says: “Safe Space was already piloted with over 1500 students receiving incredible feedback and demonstrating a 90% decrease in instances of homophobic bullying in the schools that participated in the pilot.

“This is a tremendous achievement which proves that education is key to stamp out bullying in our school and deliver sexual orientation and gender identity equality for future generations." more
In the other a Tory (naturally) city counsellor in Bristol criticised Stonewall's work in schools (specifically Sir Ian McKellen's schools' visits to two schools ) saying that
Quote:if one single child ends up being bullied who wasn't bullied before because of this, then it will mean to say that this hasn't worked. more
Apart from the obvious difficulty of determining why people have been bullied, I would have thought that getting kids talking about the issues and the existence of verifiable evidence of a decline in incidences of homophobic bullying would be quite an important consideration in deciding whether the programme has worked or not.

How would you have felt about having Magneto or Gandalf come into your school? Would it have made life more difficult for you?

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  United Nations - 21st century defenders ...
Posted by: marshlander - 11-18-2010, 02:25 PM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (3)

or 12th century reactionaries?

Quote:The General Assembly passes a resolution condemning extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary executions and other killings every two years. The 2008 declaration included an explicit reference to killings committed because of the victims' sexual preferences.
But this year, Morocco and Mali introduced an amendment on behalf of African and Islamic nations that called for deleting the words "sexual orientation" and replacing them with "discriminatory reasons on any basis."
On the face of it that might seem so bad if they truly mean on any basis. However,

Quote:The resolution, which is expected to be formally adopted by the General Assembly in December, specifies many other types of violence, including killings for racial, national, ethnic, religious or linguistic reasons and killings of refugees, indigenous people and other groups.
U.N. panel cuts gay reference from violence measure | Reuters

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  Brave, articulate young man!
Posted by: marshlander - 11-16-2010, 11:06 AM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (17)

Here is a news report of a teacher who was disciplined with loss of work and earnings for attempting to deal with a homophobic incident in his classroom. He was charged with violating the student's rights to free speech.

Mich. Teacher Ejects Student for Anti-Gay Remarks - ABC News

At the school board's hearing,a student from another district, fourteen year old Graeme Taylor, gave this very articulate presentation in what must have been a very intimidating situation. What an achievement!

I am a frequent visitor to schools and I have generally taken it upon myself, if occasion demands, to deal directly with any homophobic incident in my workshops. I have never felt it necessary to throw someone out of the session. I'm in a fortunate situation, maybe. I'm generally only in a school for a day or less and the worst that can happen is they don't invite me back.

What would you have done?

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