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  Doogie is a Daddy
Posted by: TimmyThink - 10-16-2010, 01:55 AM - Forum: Celebrity-News-Gossip - Replies (8)

The NPH aka Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka became daddies this Wednesday, they made the announcement of the birth of their twins via twitter.

All I can say is good luck boys, cause twins good lord. That’s like twice the crying an twice the puking and twice the loss of sleep.


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  A day in the life..
Posted by: OtisMcRainbow - 10-15-2010, 12:41 PM - Forum: Everyday-Stories - No Replies



It's not reading crap like this every day that pisses me off or makes me angry. Its the comments from the people I live around. The people i work with, my neighbors, my landlord. When I read crap like this day after day I start to feel numb like n one is ever going to truly accept. Recently my wife had mentioned these articles on her face book and her cousin (mothers-sisters-daughter) made a huge flaming rage post, that she promptly deleted it afterwards, saying (and i quote) "...This is America Get used to it..."

No I'm sorry you heterosexual homophobic pricks , This is America YOU Get used to it.

I life with this everyday. I get told to "go to hell", I get yelled at, called slurs, and I've even ha things thrown at me. I work at a cashier in a Department store, and my manager will do nothing because his corporate does not support gays. None of the stores around me do. I'm lucky to keep the job I do have. Why must the land of the free be like this? I'm still confused as to why I can't be accepted, or why I cannot marry the woman of my dreams.

I have seen no progress at all in my area as far as acceptance and rights like I have seen in other places. In fact people get away with hate crimes here. Could someone Please share some happier stories with me? I honestly can't see the light at the end of the tunnel any more.

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  Ann Coulter - can somebody explain, please?
Posted by: marshlander - 10-11-2010, 12:37 AM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (9)

I've just been reading about what could be one of the most dramatic attempts at political rebranding. She opposes marriage equality, yet says that

Quote:“Everybody wants a gay neighbor". Of conservatives, she added enthusiastically, “We’ve always liked gays!”

Is this as cynical a move as it looks or has she had some sort of Damascene conversion?


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  Amsterdam is the Gay-bashing Capital of Europe
Posted by: marshlander - 10-11-2010, 12:26 AM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (23)

Now, here is some really chilling news that connects with something I mentioned earlier on in another thread. While we celebrate the freedoms that we enjoy in the UK this report from the Toronto Sun points out that far from being an outstanding example of tolerance and the success of multi-cultural liberalism in Europe Amsterdam has seen an increase in the number gay-hate crimes. The report equates these with the sudden increase in the numbers of Turks and North Africans bringing with them religious and cultural ideas that seem to give them license to undermine everything the Dutch have worked for over the years. The report claims that sharia law is ruling the streets.

Quote:If you doubt it, then you haven’t been paying attention. Actually, that’s not fair. Gay-bashing is front-page news only when it’s committed by a straight, white male.

The media is terribly uncomfortable writing about gay-bashing by minorities. It’s the same reason why Canadian feminists are so eerily quiet about honour killings of Muslim girls.

According to an “offender study” by the University of Amsterdam, there were 201 reports of anti-gay violence in that city in 2007 — and researchers believe for every reported case there are as many as 25 unreported ones. Two thirds of the predators are Muslim youths.

The violence couldn’t be more brazen. It’s not in the back alleys in the dark, it’s in the heart of the city, often in broad daylight. It’s a direct dare to the Dutch government to show who rules the streets.

In 2008, 10 Muslim youths broke into a fashion show, dragged gay model Michael du Pree off the stage and beat him bloody. Last month, several lesbians were hit by beer bottles thrown at their heads as they marched in a parade of thousands to protest violence against gays. There’s a gay community centre in Amsterdam — you’d think that would be safe. Wrong. It’s a target, with home-invasion style beatings. No one is immune. Last year Hugo Braakhuis, the founder of Amdsterdam’s gay pride parade, was attacked.

In 2005, Chris Crain, former editor of America’s leading gay magazine, Washington Blade, was swarmed by seven Moroccan youths. “I was really surprised,” Crain told reporters at the time. “I felt comfortable because it is San Francisco times 10.” Or it used to be.

If this kind of criminal behaviour can take root in Amsterdam I fear it could happen anywhere. I have often been confused by the amount of venom directed at people like Pim Fortuyn, Theo van Gogh and more recently Geert Wilders. The first two were murdered, Fortuyn for speaking his mind and raising questions, Van Gogh for making a film about Islam's treatment of women. Wilders, I believe is still banned from entering the UK because of his outspoken stance on Islam.

For several years now, the United Nations has passed a series of resolutions aimed at restricting freedom of speech in an attempt to promote respect for all religions and beliefs. According to Wiki:
Quote:In March 2010, Pakistan again brought forward a resolution entitled "Combating defamation of religions" on behalf of the OIC.[2]

The resolution received much criticism. French ambassador Jean-Baptiste Mattei, speaking on behalf of the European Union, argued that the "concept of defamation should not fall under the remit of human rights because it conflicted with the right to freedom of expression."[2] Eileen Donahoe, the US ambassador, also rejected the resolution. She said, "We cannot agree that prohibiting speech is the way to promote tolerance, because we continue to see the 'defamation of religions' concept used to justify censorship, criminalisation, and in some cases violent assaults and deaths of political, racial, and religious minorities around the world."[2]

The UNHRC passed the resolution on 25 March 2010 with 20 members voting in favour; 17 members voting against; 8 abstaining; and 2 absent.[44]

I must admit to being terribly conflicted about a lot of these issues, but I feel there is reason to stay on our guard.

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  Gay Pride marsh attacked in Serbia
Posted by: Rychard the Lionheart - 10-10-2010, 07:15 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (4)

10 October 2010.

Scores arrested in Belgrade, Serbia after anti-gay riot.

Anti-gay protesters have fought running battles with police in an effort to disrupt a Gay Pride march in Belgrade - the first in the city since 2001. Reports told of gangs of skinheads roaming the streets, throwing petrol bombs and setting off firecrackers as police battled to hold them back. The AFP news agency reported them as saying. "Death to homosexuals."

Democratic Party spokesperson Jelana Trivan said the violence had nothing to do with moral values.
"These are hooligan gangs which must be punished severely," Ms Trivan said.
The mayor of Belgrade, Dragan Djilas, said the rioters had used Gay Pride as an excuse for a brawl.

A gay pride march planned last year was cancelled amid fears of violence.
On Saturday, several thousand people had protested against the march. Right-wing groups say that homosexuality is contrary to Serbian religious and family values. The Serbian Orthodox Church condemned the parade on Friday but also warned against violence against participants.

Another example of using hate, spread by the right wing conservatives and the church again.

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  Mormons at it again
Posted by: marshlander - 10-09-2010, 01:57 AM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (20)

Oh, Packer is a piece of work!! He, along with former LDS President, Spencer Kimball, and current boss, Thomas Monson, blighted my teenage years with their unfounded, bigoted bile. Last weekend, during the church's twice yearly "general conference", which is broadcast all round the world, he apparently told the faithful in reference to glbt people,

Quote:“Some suppose that they were pre-set and cannot overcome what they feel are inborn tendencies toward the impure and unnatural. Not so! Why would our Heavenly Father do that to anyone? Remember he is our father.”
At a time when people in the US are trying to come to terms with the spate of recent tragic youth suicides his remarks are especially crass. I am delighted to see that his stupid remarks prompted a response from thousands of local lgbt people and supporters who formed a ring that went twice round Temple Square in protest.

[Image: jpeg]

Interestingly, the text of his conference talk was altered on the LDS website.
Quote:The speech spawned widespread criticism from those who felt Packer’s words suggested that gays can change their orientation. Last night thousands of black-clad protesters surrounded Temple Square in downtown Salt Lake City for a “die in,” expressing their view that Packer’s speech might cause more LDS gays to commit suicide.

The LDS Church has not yet responded to questions about changes in the text of Packer’s sermon.

Mormon apostle's words about gays spark protest | The Salt Lake Tribune

You may remember that this is the same part of town where Mormon security guards arrested and handcuffed a young man who kissed his boyfriend on the cheek last year (details here). In case you have forgotten, this is how Mormon security guards treat gays in Salt Lake City.

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  Shame on this church
Posted by: posterpicture - 10-07-2010, 03:31 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (9)

I just read this article and I got so mad.

Justices hear case of anti-gay protests at military funerals - CNN.com

Not to mention about the homosexual part, protesting out side of a funeral and stated that the soldier was death as a punishment of God for fighting for a country that tolerates homosexuality is really immoral.

Quote:The church, led by pastor Fred Phelps, believes God is punishing the United States for "the sin of homosexuality" through events including soldiers' deaths. Members have traveled the country shouting at grieving families at funerals and displaying such signs as "Thank God for dead soldiers," "God blew up the troops" and "AIDS cures fags."

F*** jerk, I did not hate church and Christianity before reading this article. Now, F*** God and church, whoever it is.

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  Norman Wisdom dies at 95.
Posted by: Rychard the Lionheart - 10-05-2010, 10:15 PM - Forum: Movies - Replies (4)

Norman Wisdom dies aged 95.

Another great comic actor has now taken the final curtain call, Sir Norman Wisdom died on Monday evening at a nursing home on the Isle of Man after suffering a series of strokes in recent months.

Norman Wisdom rose to stardom with a string of hits in the 1950s and 1960s, such as "Trouble in Store" and "A Stitch in Time", which usually involved his cheery character Pitkin as an underdog battling adversity. Wisdom also sang, danced and played musical instruments, but it was his comedy that won the hearts of millions. He went on to appear in 19 films and numerous television comedy series. He was honoured with a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II.

A sad day indeed.Cry

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  America is Gayer Than Britain?
Posted by: Ryhunt86 - 10-04-2010, 06:40 PM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (9)

A new sex survey was released by Indiana University recently that, among other things, revealed that 7% of women and 8% of men were gay, lesbian or bisexual. This comes on the heels of a survey in Britain that said only 1.5 % of that nation is Gay. So there you have it, America is full of the gay, about 22.5 million* worth.

*most of whom I suspect work part time at Macy's

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  Failure to protect
Posted by: Rychard the Lionheart - 10-04-2010, 05:54 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (62)

Below is a list of young teenagers who died recently in America, because they were gay. My sincere condolences to each family for their sad lost.

On September 29, 2010. Raymond Chase of Rhode Island, NY, age 19, was openly gay and hanged himself.

On September 23, 2010. Asher Brown, age 13, of Houston, TX, came home from school and shot himself in the head after enduring what his mother and stepfather say was constant harassment from four other students at his middle school. Asher told his parents he was gay that morning.

On September 22, 2010. Tyler Clementi, age 18, of Ridgewood, NJ, jumped to his death off the George Washington Bridge.

On September 19, 2010. Seth Walsh of Tehachapi, CA, was found unconscious and not breathing after attempting to hang himself. He died on September 28.

On September 13, 2010. Cody J. Barker, of Shiocton, Wisconsin, age 17, was openly gay and took his own life.

On September 9, 2010. Billy (William) Lucas, of Greensburg, IN, age 15, was found dead in a barn at his grandmother’s home.

How many gay teenagers deaths will it take, before effective action is taken to outlaw anti-gay bullying. 6 young gay teenagers in September gave up their lifes because of the daily torment and harassment by others. Everyone has the right of protection against harm by law, in each case we have failed to honour that basic right of humanity. Time for action is now, there is no excuse for the people and Federal agenices to ignore the failure of duty to protect young people against this criminal act.

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