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  Tyler Clementi Wanted His Dorm Room Changed
Posted by: Ultra - 10-04-2010, 06:31 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (2)

This is not a really great news story at all. Distressed Tyler Clementi Had Sought Room Change - The Early Show - CBS News

I wish he did get dorm room changed. I'm sure he would have been alive today. Who knows... maybe not. I really hate news stories like these.

I remember when I was getting harassed. However, this was online. I was harassed by a 44 year old man as well. My partner was to. My partner and I were both strong while that happened and we overcame it. Unfortunately, I believe that my partner digested what that creep said and now he's completely different. However, my partner could have committed suicide if I wasn't there.

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  Bloc Party Guitarist Gets Attacked by a Lion!
Posted by: Ultra - 10-03-2010, 04:23 AM - Forum: World-News-Forum - No Replies

Bloc Party, Ash Guitarist Attacked By Lion | CHARTattack

Wow, I have no idea what to say. Sucks for him! He'll be OK.

Yeah, I wouldn't have messed with that lion cub. I just thought this would be interesting. Anyone here like Bloc Party? I don't like 'em.

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  Tony Curtis
Posted by: Ryhunt86 - 09-30-2010, 01:08 PM - Forum: Movies - Replies (2)

Tony Curtis died overnight in Las Vegas. I am an old movie fan (to put it mildly) and this is one of my favorites of Tony Curtis'.

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  Have you ever felt Asian guy attractive?
Posted by: posterpicture - 09-30-2010, 06:29 AM - Forum: Everyday-Stories - Replies (25)


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  Gay Characters on TV... there's a lot of 'em!
Posted by: Ultra - 09-29-2010, 06:02 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (16)

Record High for Gay Characters on TV, Study Says - NYTimes.com

It's cool that TV features some more gay characters. It shows how far we have come. It's great to know that. However, it's not gonna make me watch more TV.

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  Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are avoid by rich China folks
Posted by: Ultra - 09-29-2010, 06:01 PM - Forum: World-News-Forum - No Replies

China's super-rich 'avoid Gates and Buffett's billionaire's banquet amid donation fears' - Telegraph

This is an interesting news item. I say the rich China people should have been embraced them. Oh well!

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  NOM Exposed!
Posted by: marshlander - 09-29-2010, 01:25 PM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (13)

The National Organisation for Marriage has been a stumbling block in the way of any movement towards equality for glbt people in the USA for the last three years or so. Since its foundation it has amassed a shedload of money from Catholics, Mormons and other conservative Christians and right-wingers.

The Human Rights Campaign has established the NOM Exposed website to reveal some of the shady dealings of this horrible organisation. NOM supporters do little to enhance the desirability of marriage. What a spiteful, mean, bigoted bunch they are :mad:

I know I'm not American, but I clicked the "NOM Doesn't Speak For Me" button to let some of my Facebook friends and family know about some of the creepy slimeballs they associate with.

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  Another scandal at the Vatican
Posted by: Rychard the Lionheart - 09-29-2010, 01:07 AM - Forum: World-News-Forum - No Replies

Another scandal at the Vatican, involving money-laundering, organized crime and alleged terrorist activities.

This was taken from the dw-world.de website today, article dated 21/09/2010

Italian police seize millions in Vatican bank cash laundering probe.

The head of the Vatican bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, has been placed under investigation for suspected money-laundering, judicial sources said on Tuesday.

Italian financial authorities have seized 23 million euros ($30 million) from an account in the bank, officially known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR).

The Vatican responded saying that it was "perplexed and astonished" by the case, which is being investigated by Rome magistrates.

A report by the Italian news agency ANSA says the money was seized as a precaution.

Tedeschi and another bank manager are said to be under suspicion of breaking legislation that obliges banks to disclose information about their operations.

More than a year ago, Italian investigators were reported to have been scrutinizing bank transactions worth millions of euros to see if they transgressed money laundering rules.

Vatican says it backs bank transparency

The Italian press has reported that investigators suspect that individuals have used the bank as a "screen" to hide crimes such as fraud or tax evasion.

The bank was last involved in a major scandal in 1982, when it was linked to the fraudulent bankruptcy of Banco Ambrosiano - then Italy's largest private bank.

US archbishop Paul Marcinkus headed the bank at the time amid accusations that the institution was linked to organized crime and alleged terrorist activities.

Normally you do not seize assets unless you have evidence that the bank has commited an ilegal act, also does the Italian police suspect the money would vanish if not seized.

Just how far was the church involved? Problably we will not know, and will anybody at the Vatican be arrested for any involvement. Regarding the Vatican's support of open banking, why can't the Utah state religion do the same.

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  Storm in a cup cake?
Posted by: marshlander - 09-26-2010, 11:36 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (16)

Do you like cup cakes? If so, you might want to give Just Cookies in Indianapolis a miss, depending on which version of the story you believe. I don't get how a mature democracy can continue to sustain such prejudice. One can only hope that Mr Stockton's two young impressionable daughters grow up to be a bit more considerate than their father.

The Provision of Goods and Services legislation was something I believe Labour did get right when in government over here.

Homophobic Bakery: Local bakery refuses to make rainbow cupcakes for gay customer - fox59.com

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  Why do straight men always feel like gay men are coming on to them?
Posted by: TuxSky - 09-26-2010, 01:26 AM - Forum: Everyday-Stories - Replies (16)

I wasn't sure where I was supposed to post this but here goes!

Why is it that straight men always feel like gay men are coming on to them? I once had an internet buddy who told me that he came out to a male friend of his and he ended their friendship because he felt as if he was pursuing/attracted to him. I guess my question can extend into why gays are seen as such a sexualized people.

What are your thoughts, everyone?

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