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  Anyone remember the Don Johnson rumor?
Posted by: Ultra - 08-31-2010, 06:12 PM - Forum: Celebrity-News-Gossip - Replies (3)

There was a rumor that he was gay. Don't know who Don Johnson is? Here's some photos of him:

[Image: 1fb3a95662dd6f5153d8beb4c3699c0a.jpg]

Don Johnson circa 1984.

[Image: RS483-RS.jpg]

Don Johnson on the cover of Rolling Stone

[Image: d7b910bb9c4a587be783bbccd6c5ef50.jpg]

Don Johnson nowadays...

I can kinda see why the rumor was started... however, I know he was married. It may be possible that he's bi.

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  James Dean
Posted by: Ultra - 08-30-2010, 07:43 AM - Forum: Movies - Replies (6)

James Dean

[Image: James-Dean.jpg]

This extremely handsome young man was born in 1931 in Indiana. He had a brief career in movies since he died so young. He starred in only three major motion pictures, they are East of Eden, Rebel Without a Cause and Giant. He had a lot of small parts in show biz, but that's how many of the greats start!

[Image: 10002445.jpg]

I have to say for the record, that I love this guy a lot! He's one of the reasons why I have an affinity for things from the 1950's. He was truly amazing and he was a really great actor. He had so much potential. He died so young. :frown:

[Image: Dean_crash.jpg]

Yes, he lived fast and died young. He is terribly missed by his adoring fans. Cry

[Image: james_dean_bullets.jpg]

What are your thoughts on James Dean? Will there ever be another James Dean? Is Robert Pattison the James Dean of today? In my opinion, James Dean is one of the most handsome men to ever grace god's green earth and there will never be another James Dean. Oh by the way, he was allegedly bisexual! It is not 100% confirmed that he was. Google that for more info!

[Image: JamesDeanIntimesSquare.jpg]

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  Ken Mehlman comes out
Posted by: Ultra - 08-29-2010, 08:21 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (6)

This is some Republican who was against gay rights. Now he comes out... hmm... you think he deserves an apology?

A Republican Comes Out of the Closet - NYTimes.com

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  Masculinity Fail
Posted by: TimmyThink - 08-26-2010, 06:45 PM - Forum: Everyday-Stories - Replies (12)

Okay so I’m at the mall with my brother and some friends, we’re at the SportsCheck an they’re looking baseball bats an stuff. Right next to the sports store is a Chapters book store so I was like, “Hey are you guys almost done cause I want to run over to Chapters an pick some magazines than I’ll meet you guys at the car” So I run over to the chapters pick up a my Mags and go back to the car and nobodies there.
So I’m sitting on the hood of the car reading, an that’s when I hear a voice it’s women voice an its says “excuse me”. I look over the top of my magazine to see a middle age-ish women and her teenage daughter, the women looks at me an says “you look like a man who can change a tire” now let me reset the scene for I’m sitting on the hood, I’m reading WIZARD! Magazine an I’m wearing my FireFly t-shirt (firefly is an amazing sci-fi show that ran for 1 season on fox an later go turned into a movie Google it)
I’m not sure what “man that can change tire” looks like but I’m not it an I should have said that but instead I said “ I’ll try”. So I followed the women an her daughter back to there van, they have already jacked the van up and taken off the lug-nuts all I had to do was take the flat tire off and up the spare on ( who see where this story is going) and I CLOUD NOT DO IT! I pulled, I twisted, I yanked at one point I go on the ground kind of under the van and tried to kick it off from behind.
Are you guys ready cause this is the best part, I grabbed the tire an was going to try this twist an pull strategies but I put my thumb in a hole an twisted taken a good size chunk out of my digit. At some point during this most epic fail my brother and friends got done playing in the sports store an were watching my feeble attempt at manhood.
Eventually my buddy Dave had enough an came over to help, took the tire off on his first try and put the new one on tightened it up an the ladies were on there way. On the way back to car Dave looks at me an shakes his an says “that’s why you don’t get a bitch to do a mans job” an all I can do is laugh.

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  Heritage Law in Germany
Posted by: fenris - 08-17-2010, 11:21 AM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (2)

Federal Constitutional Court in Germany has adapted heritage law.

Homosexual partners should not be discriminated against heterosexual spouses in inheritance tax. This is shown by a Resolution passed by the Federal Constitutional Court.
Copyright and Link

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  If the council asked if you were gay ...?
Posted by: marshlander - 07-30-2010, 04:18 PM - Forum: UK-News - Replies (19)

A housing authority in Leeds has been criticised for sending a questionnaire to its residents asking them some pretty personal questions.

Leeds sex quiz fury - Yorkshire Evening Post

The excuse is to make sure that that people are receiving a good service. The authority promised that data would be safe and only divulged to "building maintenance firms, alarm fitters and drain cleaners". Why is it the drain cleaner's business that I'm gay or belong to this or that church?

Here's a thought, why not devise a set of standards for treating all people with courtesy and fairness and avoiding the need to fill in stupid forms in a money and time-wasting exercise?

What would you do if confronted with a form from the council asking about your sexual orientation, religious beliefs and health?

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  Derby faces down the 'phobes!
Posted by: marshlander - 07-12-2010, 11:40 PM - Forum: UK-News - Replies (6)

Anyone go to Derby Pride this weekend? Here's some cheering news. The citizens of Derby helped raise enough racket to drown out a counter demo by members of the city's Muslim community who decided to tell us how evil we are <yawn!!>. Tongue3

Oh yes Confusedmile:

the story

I suppose it's only fair to put this in some kind of perspective

Quote:Gulfraz Nawaz, secretary of Derby's Jamia Mosque, said last night: "The views of the protesters do not represent all the Muslim community – they are a very small minority and they give the majority of Muslims a bad name.
"I think we should live and let live."
Norwich Pride is coming up again on the 31st. I can't see the citizens of good, green Narch standing up to the inevitable leaflet-distributing phalanx of "Christian" gay-haters in the same way. I wonder why that is :confused: Rolleyes

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  For the love of God!!!
Posted by: marshlander - 07-12-2010, 11:23 PM - Forum: UK-News - No Replies

Once again the Church of England has ruled out Dr Jeffrey John for a job on the basis of his sexuality. This latest job from which his name has been unshortlisted was to be for the Bishop of Southwark. His supporters say he is eminently qualified for the job, but I have no idea about that. What seems so wrong is that he is clearly committed to his calling and I believe appointment is decided after competitive interview? There aren't many other jobs where women and lgbt people have to put up with this kind of opposition for which other employers would be made to face the law. So it would cause a "schism" in the church - what exactly is wrong with a schism? I can only think money is involved somewhere! Perhaps someone can explain in words that make sense why the Archbishop of Canterbury is so against letting the 'phobes float off to Lalaland to wallow in their own hatred. Surely he's not trying to save their souls? What about the physical and mental wellbeing of those believers who keep getting knocked back because they are gay? That the churches are pretty much exclusively the fuel for all homophobic hatred and violence seems to go unnoticed by them all. If you watched this evening's Dispatches on Channel 4 television you'll see where that leads. :mad:

The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement seems unable to make anyone see sense. Once again the human animal displays its unfailing masochistic ability to jump through ridiculous hoops at someone else's whim.

the story

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  Gay Writer/Producer/Director
Posted by: Uranus1 - 07-11-2010, 10:17 PM - Forum: Gay-Movies - Replies (2)

In the past (up until about one year ago) when I watched movies - usually DVD's - I seemed to have always gravitated towards the main stream movie genre.
Thankfully I got out of that rut !

By 'accident/chance/coincidence' I discovered some really great gay movies; but more importantly, I became acquainted with (and now immensely enjoy) the movies by Writer/Director/Producer Casper Andreas.

Casper is probably one of the best gay writers, producers, and directors curently in the U.S.A. I would like to say, "the very best" - but I will let you decide.
When you get a chance, watch all of his movies.
A few of my favorites:

A Slutty Summer - a great comedy !
Between Love and Goodbye - serious, heartwarming, and "gut-wrenching" - (not for anyone who cannot cope with serious emotions or is determined to watch only "happy" films).
A Big Gay Musical - his latest release.

New films coming:
Violet Tendencies - currently being shown at Reviews
Going Down In La La Land (in post production stages).

Why do I like Casper's films?
Several reasons - and each reason is as important as the other.
1) He makes a movie that is of extremely high quality in all fields: Script, Acting, Sound, Editing - you name it, his work shines through with PROFESSIONALISM.
2) Ever watch a movie - and in several places if indeed not all the way through it - the sound (voices) are either so loud you can't stand it, or, just right at one moment then soooooo loooooow the next minute you must trun up the volume on your DVD PLAYER/TV in order to "almost hear" what is being said ?
[Casper NEVER falls into this "trap".
3) Casper makes movies on a very limited budget, yet his works are far superior to those of most other movie producers - who spend upwards of several million dollars on each movie.

Don't take my word for it. Next time you really want to see a GREAT GAY MOVIE - whether it be a musical, comedy, or serious drama, rent or buy one of Casper's DVD's.


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  Three gay movies i saw recently
Posted by: TAB - 07-04-2010, 02:37 AM - Forum: Gay-Movies - Replies (36)

recently, i got a chance to see some gay movie.
As so far, i like the "same difference", about a twins, younger one is a gay, run time 11 min. i like it when i see it at the first time. the music is good and the chief actor is cute..
also, i saw the "Otto, or Up with Dead People". it is cool to be a gay Zombie.
when i saw the "Fantasma, O", i feel a little pathetic..
i know there are many good gay movie. i would like to see some which are moved, creative. if possible, has some cute actors...:biggrin:

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