04-14-2012, 03:08 AM
We've been together for two years now. We have had our break ups, and our last one (Nov. 2011) was pretty intense.
His mom decided she was going to try and play matchmaker with an old friend of his who moved to Louisville (3 hours away from where I am) from Utah where they are from. For the entire month of October, he treated me like shit, my 22nd birthday was HORRIBLE. On his birthday that previous June, I bought him a cute Tweety t-shirt, Tweety rings that went on the cake, flowers, candy, the whole nine.
We fought on mine. And come to find out, he was talking to this dude from Louisville.
We were having a lot of trouble with money at the time. He barely helped me pay any bills, and finally I said to him (while on break at work) that if he didn't help me pay the bills, that he needed to find somewhere else to stay. (He was with his mom). He freaked out, broke up with, and drove back to our apartment from his Moms (which was 30 minutes away). Told me he was packing his stuff, and for me not to come while he was there.
I started balling, told my managers that I had to go, and bummed a ride with a friend at work. His Mom was there (mind you, I had no idea what she was doing behind my back...trying to get her son to leave me for this guy who had more money, nice cars, and was renovating his new house).
She ended up getting in between us and I layed it out for her. They used to stick him down in the basement or attic everytime they moved, and I called her on it. Told her that I cleaned her house everyday when I lived with her (even after working all day) because thats how I was raised. Clean for you Momma, shes tired.
They kicked me out after 3 months. I had just found a job and everything was going great. They were like my family, and they cut me down.
(Mind you, when they kicked me out, I had to come back to my hometown, and during this time which was the end of of 2010, that same guy she was trying to play matchmaker with was sexting me me evening, and I sent him a pic of my shirt raised, which wasn't right since that was a.) one of my boyfriends friends, and b.) we were dealing with a long distance relationship because of his family. I told him that Chaka, my boyfriend, would be mad if he found out what he was trying to do. 3 days later, he told Chaka that sexted him, and he was only testing me to find out how loyal I was to Chaka.)
Sorry, went on a total rant, but its relevant to the story,
We got into it real bad, he took a bunch of my clothes, destroyed my apartment (threw a jack-o-lantern at my wall). Got physical with me in front of his mom, etc. (theres so much more to this story..)
He left.
Didn't text me for days, but his best friend informed me about the guy from Louisville, and that he was leaving me for him and that he had been talking to him for a while. I was heated.
He finally came back to me after much reluctance, and every since then things have been different. I know he loves me but he is so spiteful towards me at times, I just want to cry.
This past week has been terrible, and I now call him Mr. 3 Months because every three months (no bullshit) he wants to break up with me. He pushes me away until I get so frustrated I get mad. When I get mad, we argue more, and he never wants to talk, he wants to mock me and make fun of me.
Well, last night, he brought me flowers (first time, ever, in 2 years) and chocolates, and a new pair of basketball shorts and told me he was sorry. (The night prior, and every other night pretty much, we would argue and he would tell me he doesn't mean it when he says sorry, so he doesn't say it.)
After we talked a little bit, and I hugged him, and rubbed his back and kissed his face, and rubbed his booty, he proceeds to tell me that some new guys started at his work.
The first I question I asked (because I am the least jealous person in the world, and I think its cute when he talks about other guys, DEFINITELY not a mutual thing between us, he is SUEPR jealous) was "Are they hot".
He gave me that look like "Shit" and smiled.
He told me one of them looked like his cousin (which is like, instant-boner hot lol) and another guy who was pretty cute too. Heres the catch.
He's been giving one of them a ride home for past week! We have had PROBLEMS all week, and we haven't had sex either. Mind you, he is a sex addict and wants it all the time, not to mention he used to trick himself out (i got him away from all that...he used to call me his Superman..)
Theres sooo much more to this story, and I wish I could tell you guys everything and I really could, but I don't want to bore you.
Why is he so mean to me? When I clean everyday for him regardless of what Im doing ,I wash his clothes, take care of his cats, etc. Why does he push me away every 3 months? Do you think he's cheating on me? Or talking to other guys? =\
Also, the other night, he told me that I was acting just like his exes before they cheated on him and were so frustrated they couldn't just break up with him. I was like WOWW are you serious? This is history repeating itself, he knows exactly what buttons to press and which GOOD ones not to.
He barely gives me any affection, either =\ I have to beg for just a little pec on the lips.
Unless we are getting ready to have sex, Im nothing. Im nobody. I feel unattractive and worthless. =\
And now, that he's giving me flowers and stuff, I really don't know what to think.
His mom decided she was going to try and play matchmaker with an old friend of his who moved to Louisville (3 hours away from where I am) from Utah where they are from. For the entire month of October, he treated me like shit, my 22nd birthday was HORRIBLE. On his birthday that previous June, I bought him a cute Tweety t-shirt, Tweety rings that went on the cake, flowers, candy, the whole nine.
We fought on mine. And come to find out, he was talking to this dude from Louisville.
We were having a lot of trouble with money at the time. He barely helped me pay any bills, and finally I said to him (while on break at work) that if he didn't help me pay the bills, that he needed to find somewhere else to stay. (He was with his mom). He freaked out, broke up with, and drove back to our apartment from his Moms (which was 30 minutes away). Told me he was packing his stuff, and for me not to come while he was there.
I started balling, told my managers that I had to go, and bummed a ride with a friend at work. His Mom was there (mind you, I had no idea what she was doing behind my back...trying to get her son to leave me for this guy who had more money, nice cars, and was renovating his new house).
She ended up getting in between us and I layed it out for her. They used to stick him down in the basement or attic everytime they moved, and I called her on it. Told her that I cleaned her house everyday when I lived with her (even after working all day) because thats how I was raised. Clean for you Momma, shes tired.
They kicked me out after 3 months. I had just found a job and everything was going great. They were like my family, and they cut me down.
(Mind you, when they kicked me out, I had to come back to my hometown, and during this time which was the end of of 2010, that same guy she was trying to play matchmaker with was sexting me me evening, and I sent him a pic of my shirt raised, which wasn't right since that was a.) one of my boyfriends friends, and b.) we were dealing with a long distance relationship because of his family. I told him that Chaka, my boyfriend, would be mad if he found out what he was trying to do. 3 days later, he told Chaka that sexted him, and he was only testing me to find out how loyal I was to Chaka.)
Sorry, went on a total rant, but its relevant to the story,
We got into it real bad, he took a bunch of my clothes, destroyed my apartment (threw a jack-o-lantern at my wall). Got physical with me in front of his mom, etc. (theres so much more to this story..)
He left.
Didn't text me for days, but his best friend informed me about the guy from Louisville, and that he was leaving me for him and that he had been talking to him for a while. I was heated.
He finally came back to me after much reluctance, and every since then things have been different. I know he loves me but he is so spiteful towards me at times, I just want to cry.
This past week has been terrible, and I now call him Mr. 3 Months because every three months (no bullshit) he wants to break up with me. He pushes me away until I get so frustrated I get mad. When I get mad, we argue more, and he never wants to talk, he wants to mock me and make fun of me.
Well, last night, he brought me flowers (first time, ever, in 2 years) and chocolates, and a new pair of basketball shorts and told me he was sorry. (The night prior, and every other night pretty much, we would argue and he would tell me he doesn't mean it when he says sorry, so he doesn't say it.)
After we talked a little bit, and I hugged him, and rubbed his back and kissed his face, and rubbed his booty, he proceeds to tell me that some new guys started at his work.
The first I question I asked (because I am the least jealous person in the world, and I think its cute when he talks about other guys, DEFINITELY not a mutual thing between us, he is SUEPR jealous) was "Are they hot".
He gave me that look like "Shit" and smiled.

He told me one of them looked like his cousin (which is like, instant-boner hot lol) and another guy who was pretty cute too. Heres the catch.
He's been giving one of them a ride home for past week! We have had PROBLEMS all week, and we haven't had sex either. Mind you, he is a sex addict and wants it all the time, not to mention he used to trick himself out (i got him away from all that...he used to call me his Superman..)
Theres sooo much more to this story, and I wish I could tell you guys everything and I really could, but I don't want to bore you.
Why is he so mean to me? When I clean everyday for him regardless of what Im doing ,I wash his clothes, take care of his cats, etc. Why does he push me away every 3 months? Do you think he's cheating on me? Or talking to other guys? =\
Also, the other night, he told me that I was acting just like his exes before they cheated on him and were so frustrated they couldn't just break up with him. I was like WOWW are you serious? This is history repeating itself, he knows exactly what buttons to press and which GOOD ones not to.
He barely gives me any affection, either =\ I have to beg for just a little pec on the lips.
Unless we are getting ready to have sex, Im nothing. Im nobody. I feel unattractive and worthless. =\
And now, that he's giving me flowers and stuff, I really don't know what to think.