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out of the closet hypnosis?
hi, in the past when dealing with strong emotional conflicts I've often turned to relaxing/hypnotic audio to help me explore my thoughts and feelings without fear. it helped my self esteem and now I want to see if anything exists for coming out of the closet and accepting that i am gay. I have a hard time with emotions and have had people in my life harass me over this from a very young age and I think this method is the least threatening to me. if you know of any audio files that help you affirm that you're gay please let me know I've looked around and can only find weird porn stuff :/

I personally like humor, and I can show examples, though the vast majority is aimed at lesbian experiences (though I also like Hip Hop Dykes by Big Gay Kendall, a male bear who did a hilarious song, IMO). And humor makes me feel better.

But if I wanted to relax I can think of music from trance to classical yet these aren't aimed at a gay audience, so I don't know if that's what you mean.

Perhaps something with a gay themed video and a song you find relaxing?

I strongly recommmend Emotion Freedom Treatment- EFT is a powerful technique used for post traumatic disorders use for the returning soldiers from war. It has help me in liberating chilhood traumas and restrain emotions,accepting who and what I am. The first time I heared about I laughed but in two sessions the therapist what in 11 years I couldn´t get over.
This technique once you learned you can apply it in the privacy of your home, is based in tapping acupunture points and also helps to relax. you can find plenty of information in the WEB and you can see in youtube the sessions. I hope this helps

Reiki cleansing helps too, a lot but, it can be very intense. You drag up all of the emotions and pain you need to work on healing and, it can be hard to take it all that fast, but once you get through it, you have it for life, it does not come undone and, you have the self healing tools you need to deal with whatever may yet happen.

I've tried to reply to this three times and my response starts out nice, then turns to negativity. :o


I do mediate myself, I even (shh don't tell any of the gaysWink) Pray to God for Guidance and some support. However I don't take these to an extreme and fall into endless searching for exterior sources of support.

I think the 'negativity' I feel at this about this question is I have this overwhelming gut feeling that you rely too much on 'self help' exterior sources to 'deal with' internal crap.

Part of living is being faced with the challenge of fear, anger, and a whole slew of 'negative emotions' and then finding the strength inside of you (all on your own, no crutches involved) to 'deal with' and face those fears, anger and what not.

I'm not saying we all don't need a little help sometimes, I'm saying that I think you are seeking external 'assistance' a bit too much to deal with stuff instead of growing the necessary bits inside to internally 'deal with' stuff.

I think another thing about your question that rings alarm bells inside of me is that you are looking for specific 'meditative' practices to address a specific ailment.

I mediate - daily, however I do not have specifically tailored mediation that is designed to attack a specific problem. I use methods which are designed to relax and empty the brain (easy to do, not much up in this head of straw:tongueSmile and allow me to resolve issues of any sort no matter their specifics. The idea of learning a new tool to 'fix' a new problem all the time seems to me to be a bit self involved - too much work.

Since you have used meditation before to deal with 'stuff' - I fail to understand how the old routine can't be used to deal with the same emotional 'garbage' going on inside of you.

We humans are composed of four (4) basic emotions: Mad, Sad, Glad and Scared. These are the basic four which do have many levels and expressions, such as 'mad' can be expressed as anger, frustration, annoyance, etc - its all mad :mad: - same basic emotions, just expressed in slightly different hues and shades of the same emotion.

Thus if you had a tool to deal with 'mad' then it should be applicable to all of the manifestations that mad has. Same thing applies to 'scared' and sad and yes even glad (trust me, each summer I become too 'glad' - hypo-maniacal) .

A specific, targeted technique for each little problem that comes along (yes coming out and struggling with ones sexuality is 'little' - mayn't feel that way now, it will in future) is a one time use only tool, and you spend too much time searching for tools that address other things.

Get a set of tools that do the basic job of addressing a few generalities, use as needed and as directed.

sry, not trying to judge here, but I cannot understand why do you need someone (or an audio file) to re-affirm that you're gay. Why? Don't you know it yourself already?

If I were you, I'd keep it simple. Accept your sexuality and move on. You don't have rush out of the closet right away and tell the world about it but at least you should be satisfied with drawing your own conclusion as opposed to someone telling you what to be, what to believe and how to act.

I won't discount the fact that meditation has benefits on all sorts of things--but people mainly use it for stress reduction. A lot of things you still have to actually acknowledge and acquiesce to--that meditation cannot do.

My 2 cents Smile

Bricg1970 Wrote:I strongly recommmend Emotion Freedom Treatment- EFT is a powerful technique used for post traumatic disorders use for the returning soldiers from war. It has help me in liberating chilhood traumas and restrain emotions,accepting who and what I am. The first time I heared about I laughed but in two sessions the therapist what in 11 years I couldn´t get over.
This technique once you learned you can apply it in the privacy of your home, is based in tapping acupunture points and also helps to relax. you can find plenty of information in the WEB and you can see in youtube the sessions. I hope this helps

this sounds really good. I actually am a victim of child abuse (emotional, not sexual) and I have had some poor choices in friends throughout my life, so I could really use something to help me get back to that "normal feeling" in general.

TryingNewThing Wrote:sry, not trying to judge here, but I cannot understand why do you need someone (or an audio file) to re-affirm that you're gay. Why? Don't you know it yourself already?

If I were you, I'd keep it simple. Accept your sexuality and move on. You don't have rush out of the closet right away and tell the world about it but at least you should be satisfied with drawing your own conclusion as opposed to someone telling you what to be, what to believe and how to act.

I won't discount the fact that meditation has benefits on all sorts of things--but people mainly use it for stress reduction. A lot of things you still have to actually acknowledge and acquiesce to--that meditation cannot do.

My 2 cents Smile
it comes down to the fact that with hypnosis(its really not hypnosis, but this type of audio self help is ALWAYS called this...) you get into a very relaxed state of mind, and you start to think about things and its not so threatening thinking about being gay.

it may be easy for some people to just be like "well, this is who i am, people can just accept me or not" but i have dealt with a lot of crap over the span of my life. to sum it up, not only is liking men seen as the worst possible thing to a lot of the ppl associated with my family(not so much the women), a person associated with my family used to tap my phone/spy on me at night to get information about me so they can use it against me in front of everyone as a way to potentially lead to violence or a means to kick me and my mother out on the streets. This happened at a very young age constantly, and many emotional things about myself I have a hard time dealing with without getting defensive or angry. Its very hard for me to think about accepting my sexuality without beating this person into submission for the 10 years of child abuse.

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