I've tried to reply to this three times and my response starts out nice, then turns to negativity. :o
I do mediate myself, I even (shh don't tell any of the gays

) Pray to God for Guidance and some support. However I don't take these to an extreme and fall into endless searching for exterior sources of support.
I think the 'negativity' I feel at this about this question is I have this overwhelming gut feeling that you rely too much on 'self help' exterior sources to 'deal with' internal crap.
Part of living is being faced with the challenge of fear, anger, and a whole slew of 'negative emotions' and then finding the strength inside of you (all on your own, no crutches involved) to 'deal with' and face those fears, anger and what not.
I'm not saying we all don't need a little help sometimes, I'm saying that I think you are seeking external 'assistance' a bit too much to deal with stuff instead of growing the necessary bits
inside to
internally 'deal with' stuff.
I think another thing about your question that rings alarm bells inside of me is that you are looking for specific 'meditative' practices to address a specific ailment.
I mediate - daily, however I do not have specifically tailored mediation that is designed to attack a specific problem. I use methods which are designed to relax and empty the brain (easy to do, not much up in this head of straw:tongue

and allow me to resolve issues of any sort no matter their specifics. The idea of learning a new tool to 'fix' a new problem all the time seems to me to be a bit self involved - too much work.
Since you have used meditation before to deal with 'stuff' - I fail to understand how the old routine can't be used to deal with the same emotional 'garbage' going on inside of you.
We humans are composed of four (4) basic emotions: Mad, Sad, Glad and Scared. These are the basic four which do have many levels and expressions, such as 'mad' can be expressed as anger, frustration, annoyance, etc - its all mad :mad: - same basic emotions, just expressed in slightly different hues and shades of the same emotion.
Thus if you had a tool to deal with 'mad' then it should be applicable to all of the manifestations that mad has. Same thing applies to 'scared' and sad and yes even glad (trust me, each summer I become too 'glad' - hypo-maniacal) .
A specific, targeted technique for each little problem that comes along (yes coming out and struggling with ones sexuality is 'little' - mayn't feel that way now, it will in future) is a one time use only tool, and you spend too much time searching for tools that address other things.
Get a set of tools that do the basic job of addressing a few generalities, use as needed and as directed.