05-01-2008, 11:34 AM
princealbertofb Wrote:Sometimes it's good not to be too proud of what you've done. Maybe you'll find that you weren't as crappy (for the examiner) as you thought. People who are too cocky sometimes get a bit of a disappointment when the results come through. So I hope it was just an impression and that you weren't as bad as you made yourself out to be. Chin up, Smurls.
Oh my chin is up, I just know I messed up big time. I misunderstood the two texts... and vocab was quite basic... oh well!
Today I have the raging ump with my mother and her lack of gratitude. I just decided to start tidying up as she never does sod all around the house even though she doesn't work, just sits on her lazy arse all day. The laminate flooring by the front door was full of flower petals from where the tree blossom is falling etc. and dirty and horrible so I'm cleaning it and she walks in and is like "what you doing?" like cleaning is something of the past? I was like "cleaning the floor". She was like "why?" - erm coz it's dirty??? But yeah not one ounce of thanks for cleaning... this is why I pay her rent is it not? Oh and then I find out they've all been eating MY food that I PAY FOR! Soooo angry lol. I so don't wanna live here anymore. And then my mum's boyfriend wants me to download him a load of songs for his mp3 player... but I'm never home anymore online and when I am, I've got things of my own to catch up on. Well just had my music on playing and he made a comment like "this isn't any of the songs I asked for" - i know dumbass lol. He just thinks he's being funny all the time but he's being bloody annoying lol.
On the plus side we just had a thunderstorm WOOOOO! Going to town to send my mate in New zealand his bday card and then getting my hair cut.
Hope everyone has a good day