Awws well thanks for that, cheered me right up, it has


I've spoken to a doctor about them, but apparently i've not been getting them long enough for them to give me the medication yet. Not really sure why that is, i've been getting cluster headaches on and off for pretty much my whole life it's just only recently they've started getting a lot worse... boo at that.
After braving looking round my curtains at the daylight i can say it's not too bad here, lots of lovely grey clouds in pretty shapes:biggrin::biggrin:
lol i just checked my emails only to find an advert for, and i quote: '100% REAL WOMEN looking for ACTUAL SEX in your area!'
What's the difference between sex and actual sex??
Also there's an advert for diet pills, which i really need, what with being underweight and all...
Have these people even HEARD of market research??