09-09-2009, 09:44 AM
I'm just chilling at the momo... listening to some meditation music! :biggrin: I've got a job interview just after lunch time so gotta be all suited and booted again later today!
At least it's not as hot as yesterday! (was 27c in Brighton!)
Yeah, bulger wheat is great... I usually have it about twice a week! To prepare mine I usually soak it hot vegetable stock for about 30 mins. It is less heavy to eat than rice and better for you... has more fibre and is said to good for your heart etc.
Sounds fab! I learned how to cook my own homemade rosemary focaccia bread this morning... made it at about 7 and we had it for breakfast with some 'Lactofree' mature cheddar cheese grated ontop! Was really tasty!
Careful it doesn't make you too krafty and cheesy!

joseph Wrote:andy i cooked it befor vegetibles and bulgerweat like.! did you like it. poor marslander.i hope it is again soon . hug xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yeah, bulger wheat is great... I usually have it about twice a week! To prepare mine I usually soak it hot vegetable stock for about 30 mins. It is less heavy to eat than rice and better for you... has more fibre and is said to good for your heart etc.
marshlander Wrote:Dragging myself into the English routine. Just made a loaf of bread and a pan load of delicious vegetables, so the house smells specially nice now and I have have something good to eat.
Sounds fab! I learned how to cook my own homemade rosemary focaccia bread this morning... made it at about 7 and we had it for breakfast with some 'Lactofree' mature cheddar cheese grated ontop! Was really tasty!
sox-and-the-city Wrote:I just ate my weight in Kraft Cheesy Pasta, so am well happy.
Careful it doesn't make you too krafty and cheesy!

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