Going out with work tonight for our xmas get together - happy in a way but i know by 10pm they will all just be taking about work work work and bitchin - lets hope this year is different and they just wanna dance and have fun
Not too bad. Put some porridge oats on the windowsill and the starlings are trotting across loving them. (use uncooked ones though)
Energetic. Raring to go. Got bunches of cookies to make today and then it's relax til Christmas!
I'm great! I'm back in New Jersey with my whole family, all 7 of us, for Christmas. I had my med school interview today and I think it went well. We'll see. Thank God I managed my jet lag (i got home only 3 days ago). I actually had virtually no jet lag this time. I pretty much have the europe->US and vice versa down, i never really get jet lag anymore. My brother, on the other hand, just came from california and he slept the entire day yesterday. In his defense, he had been up all night for a couple of days studying for exams.
It's so nice to be with my family. My one sister knows about me and I plan on telling two more soon. Maybe parents too.
I can finally relax now that this interview is over!
I just want to be done with this paper, I've been working on it for 8 hours now and no end in sight. I just wanna be done!
it so cold!!!!!!im making cristmas buffay fo a party today,.at work
Ah, I'm resting after a weekend out for New Year's. Poker nights are fun.
I am fine dandy and all the other superlatives we use to say okie dokie