To my mind that seems the best approach. A relationship will often appear from the most unexpected place, as happened to me. Get on with life, but keep your eyes open. There are many gay contact websites, but many of these are full of people wanting sex without the "risk" of a relationship. With care, you can have a lot of fun on the way and there are exceptions, but you may have to kiss a lot of toads before you find a Prince Charming. There are clearly some risks attached to this approach, so be careful if you take this route.
You come across as a nice young man and it is actually possible someone may like the personality you project in your online identity enough to start messaging you privately. Conversely, if you find yourself interested in anyone here you can pursue the PM angle yourself. I got to know my dear Prince Albert (a real life fairytale of frogs and princes

) through a message board such as this before we ever met outside the matrix! Even if nothing comes of it, it is always nice to receive a cheery (and sometimes flattering) message from someone you've never met (you know who you are

). Very good for the ego on occasions!
There are also gay social groups specialising in particular pursuits. In Norfolk we have a gay outdoor group that meets up to walk the countryside together or there is a choir in Norwich. In the cities you will undoubtedly find a wider range of activities - just not our beautiful Norfolk coast and countryside! There are a number of these groups listed on the Gay Times website (there are a few entries for Hampshire), or you can phone a local Gay Switchboard or Friends support group. There are also gay websites specialising in arranging social activites, which act as a balance to the sleazier offerings out there ... don't get me wrong, there is a place for sleaze, but maybe not if you are hoping for a relationship. Out in the UK is one such site, but it is subscription only I believe.
In the straight world people are able to make assumptions about each other, which we sometimes have to be a bit more careful about, but there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to meet up with people like you and eventually something is bound to blossom. Personally I think it is probably important not to dwell on the difficulties of it all and put yourself in those places where you stand some chance of success.
Good luck