No body is perfect and everyone makes mistakes haha, reminds me when I was working for Drake Software. A rather large Tax software company, I was there 10 minutes early everyday and the DAY of tax season (was about 20 minutes early with breakfast in the breakroom) My work PC died. I was put on a new computer at a different desk but it had NONE of our support software or tax programs installed.
We had REEALLY slow internet and I realized downloading from our website would take several hours and I wouldn't be prepared when the phones went live. SOO I thought about going into our server and pulling the files over the LAN (I should have had it done in minutes) we weren't taught to do this I have a good computer background and was comfortable with it so I pulled a exact copy of the main servers software from its backup raid array. Once i got the software and received my first phone call I was helping a client setup his personal data and realized at that moment the backed up copy I grabbed had the social security numbers, addresses, full names, dates of birth, private efile numbers etc etc EVERYTHING of every tax preparer in our company INCLUDING THE MAIN MAN MR DRAKE. I just about had a heart attack right there, told the client I must put them on hold and walked to our division managers office O_O it was about the scared est id ever been in my life, I just KNEW I would get fired but didn't ^_^.
The division manager didn't even chew me out, it scared him crap less too

I guess It showed them how easily company data that should have been secured (not just backed up) could be taken by the wrong individual.
Soo yea bwahahaha >

im sure most people have made at least ONE mistake at their jobs so no worries and some peoples mistakes dwarf others no worries it happens, and they will forgive you in time.