CrossNecklace Wrote:I still haven't told any of my friends about me being gay. But there are some friends that I really want to tell. I wonder if I'd cry like I did with my family. One of the friend that I want to tell, that I think I can trust, is a girl that likes me. I mean I like her too, but problem is I'm gay. I wonder about how she might react and if I should mention about her liking me. Another person I think I could trust is this other girl that's easy to talk to. She's a really good friend. She's my running buddy. I don't know guys.
Hi C/N, now that you have started out on this road You have unlocked a kind of Pandora's Box, except that it won't let loose all the ills in the world.

It sounds like things are happening very fast. It's no use me suggesting anything much at this stage, because you will do what you will do.
On coming out to the girl you want to divert ... I see being gay not as "the problem", but rather as a solution to many of the anxieties you've been experiencing. The only way it would be a problem is if the girl chooses to make it one. Then it will be her problem, not yours.
Don't listen to the guy who suggested you aren't gay. What does he know about you? You know about you! He clearly has some difficulty with people not matching his preconceptions and has a bit of growing up to do.
Give your mum time. She'll be okay and, by the sound of it, so will you. We'll be here when you want to tell us more, but posting at five minute intervals suggests that your mind is working at speed. I recognise this and when I was experiencing a similar phenomenon after I opened the floodgates I felt I needed to tell everyone everything. Weird feeling and I'm glad I got over that part of coming out!
Have a great weekend, but keep your wits about you

! I know you are "only looking for friends", but things have a way of changing VERY quickly. Make sure you know how to stay safe