02-01-2015, 04:51 PM
My ex of 14.5 years did similar, however we ended - nay I ended the relationship because I discovered he was whoring around with tens of men each for only the last 12 years of our relationship.
He and remained under the same roof for the next two years (financial reasons, he couldn't hold down a job and move out of my place).
And once he was 'free' to do whatever he went a little crazy with the random sex thing, using every app and site out there.
In his case I pinned it down to sex addiction. When he and I met we were relatively both new to recovery from drug and alcohol use. His 'tweak of choice' was sex (tweak is what one does while high on speed). For years I though that the drug addiction lead to the sex addiction. I was wrong, for him it was his sex addiction that lead to drug addiction.
He ultimately ended up repeating the transition from sex addict to drug addict when I left Christmas.
Seems to me your ex is similar to my ex, but 20 some odd years younger.
Not all relationships that end have one or both parties go sex crazy. However usually when there is a cheater involved, that cheater ends up going a wee bit 'cray-cray' with the sex hunt. This is only them following their true pattern of behaviors.
No he is not doing this to hurt you. While it does hurt and it affects you because you are still emotionally attached, he isn't emotionally attached to you and isn't doing all of this sex stuff to get back at you, he is doing it because sex is his thing and he is following it.
Much like an alcoholic will spend more time at bars, or a drug addict will chase their drug of choice and use more often once any barriers between them and their addiction evaporates.
You were a barrier between him and sex, now you are no longer there, he is going to go over the top for a while until he finds his own level. Or until his addiction becomes unmanageable and his life spirals out of control.
In time you will stop caring so much and it won't bother you. It may bother you that you allowed yourself to get involved with 'that type' - however love is blind, foolish, crazy and allows the best of us to fail to see the dangerous patterns and bad romances before we go through them. Its the nature of the disease we call love.
He and remained under the same roof for the next two years (financial reasons, he couldn't hold down a job and move out of my place).
And once he was 'free' to do whatever he went a little crazy with the random sex thing, using every app and site out there.
In his case I pinned it down to sex addiction. When he and I met we were relatively both new to recovery from drug and alcohol use. His 'tweak of choice' was sex (tweak is what one does while high on speed). For years I though that the drug addiction lead to the sex addiction. I was wrong, for him it was his sex addiction that lead to drug addiction.
He ultimately ended up repeating the transition from sex addict to drug addict when I left Christmas.
Seems to me your ex is similar to my ex, but 20 some odd years younger.
Not all relationships that end have one or both parties go sex crazy. However usually when there is a cheater involved, that cheater ends up going a wee bit 'cray-cray' with the sex hunt. This is only them following their true pattern of behaviors.
No he is not doing this to hurt you. While it does hurt and it affects you because you are still emotionally attached, he isn't emotionally attached to you and isn't doing all of this sex stuff to get back at you, he is doing it because sex is his thing and he is following it.
Much like an alcoholic will spend more time at bars, or a drug addict will chase their drug of choice and use more often once any barriers between them and their addiction evaporates.
You were a barrier between him and sex, now you are no longer there, he is going to go over the top for a while until he finds his own level. Or until his addiction becomes unmanageable and his life spirals out of control.
In time you will stop caring so much and it won't bother you. It may bother you that you allowed yourself to get involved with 'that type' - however love is blind, foolish, crazy and allows the best of us to fail to see the dangerous patterns and bad romances before we go through them. Its the nature of the disease we call love.