WeepingAngel Wrote:Prince...I do have to disagree with you on that one, respectfully....I do not think..."all" men are not monogamous by nature...it depends on the person....women can be just as sleezy as men can be....if you're going to cheat on someone that is a personal decision and shows who you are...and saying things like...men can't be monogamous...we are wired that way...just perpetuates the stereotypes that are put on all LGBTQ people....
But, as you will note, I did not say ALL men, I just said MEN, IT WOULD SEEM, therefore implying that it's not true for all men... But saying that SOME MEN might indulge in a bit of deception and cheating is not a stereotype... it's a reality. I'm not trying to paint everyone with the same brush. I know, just as you do, that we are also capable of loyalty, but what's to say that SOME MEN can't be loyal to TWO people rather than just ONE, just as we know SOME MEN can be loyal to just ONE person... or maybe LOYAL to a WHOLE BUNCH of people... ? I don't think we can take how WE react to this as having value for everyone else, just on account of them sharing the same material we're made of...
To take this just a little bit further, I think this idea of monogamy is quite an interesting concept, but underlying it is always the idea that we might "sin" in thought rather than "deed"... something the church seems to be fond of...
I'm in a relationship with one person and I'm going to be loyal to that person and that person alone, but I sometimes have fantasies about other men, but I won't engage in any of these fantasies in real life... Am I monogamous, really? Isn't it all a questions of personal timing? In the end we can all have a string of monogamous relationships which last very diverse time lapses in relation to the next relationship. So if I've only had three people in my life but I've still had three relationships, am I monogamous, have I been monogamous?
In this particular instance, this person is asking us if bigamous love is possible? Well, it would seem it is, even if it's not the way most of society is organised... but the number of threeway relationships, or even fourway relationships that have been recorded in time are sufficiently documented to say that men are not (in general, but not as an absolute) naturally monogamous. They can go from one partner to another, sometimes have several partners at the same time (orgies, wifeswapping, threesomes and foursomes etc...).
I don't think I'm being unfair or overgeneralising. Am I ?
