04-12-2015, 06:10 PM
MikeW Wrote:Sometimes this is such a bad head space, EVEN IF, they want to get physical, I still end up feeling like they're doing me a favor or something (mercy fuck).
Put your fragile self-worth to the side a bit. You can always come back to that later.
This made me laugh really hard. I feel this way whenever anyone strikes up a conversation with me in general. It's so irrational though, especially when it comes to the point of actual intimacy.
Thank you, Mike. As always your input is very insightful and tremendously helpful. I will try to not to overthink things too much and see what happens.
That guy... what a piece of shit. I'm sorry you had to go through that. (I personally couldn't imagine being turned off by scarring, I don't understand that mindset...) Thank you for the advice.