04-29-2015, 03:55 PM
parogue Wrote:Seems like this has become a bit of a heated topic in regards to emotion, which is awesome. I had a feeling that this topic was not a universal as my uncle and his bf made it seem. Granted during the course of this thread I am beginning to see things a bit more clearly but I'm not exactly positive that I would be interested in such an arrangement.
I mean Lex has some very valid points that he's made in comparing this situation to others restaurant, bands, etc and while I understand the general logic behind this line of thought I'm not exactly sure how one can compare a relationship to these types of things. In my opinion, it it is truly just that, it seems as though a relationship with your partner, bf, husband, whatever should receive more consideration and commitment than the relationship I have with my local Chinese joint (although that has been a committed Relationship for nearly 10 years).
Once again, I think there's some problems with people with not getting the right mindset here. "A relationship with your partner should receive more consideration." Well, yeah, obviously - nobody expects monogamy when it comes to restaurants.

Quote:So my next question is are monogamous relationships outdated, old-school, and generally going by the wayside or is just because the nature of gay men seems so different from traditional straight relationships this is pretty much going to become the "norm"?
This almost sounds like an argument against gay marriage.

My relationship shouldn't alter anybody else's. What we do in our relationship was chosen because it works the best for us. I would never insist that all, or even most, relationships have to be open. I'm totally fine with monogamous relationships, and I'd never suggest that they're wrong, or backwards, or anything else.
If I want my relationship to send a message at all, it would be this: find out what works for you two. What makes both of you happy? What would maximize the joy and elimainate the most bad feelings in your relationship? Sleeping in separate beds every night? Go for it. Staying in each other's arms from the moment you get home until the minute you have to separate? Awesome.
I know one guy who comes home from work on Friday, has his clothes torn off, and gets stuffed in a tiny cage...where he remains until Monday morning. Why? Because he gets off on it...and his partner gets off on doing it to him. Do I think I should do this? Hell no. Do I think everybody should do this? Of course not. Do I think what they're doing is right? Well, they both seem very happy, so I'd say it's right for them.
