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Huge mistake
a real friend is someone who actually supports you, cares for you, and wouldn't do anything to judge you or put you down.

It's so unfortunate that so many people living in this world can only consider matters from their own shallow perspective, without even realizing that they are the very people who turn this world to such a miserable place to live, even for parents.

You need to be strong, as we all need to be. Find whomever you can talk to, and talk to them often. The best way to fight prejudice is not to give it a damn.

Anonymous Wrote:Hello my friends! Last month I made a huge mistake!: cry:

I am gay and I live in Greece, a society unfriendly towards gay people. I am gay and i go to the 2nd grade of highschool. For 3 years i ve been hiding it and pretending to be straight successfull. Last month i couldnt stand it any more and told my closest friends (including the one that im in love) about my sexuality. What they did was so unexpectable!!!

They started laughing and saying that i was teasing them. When i told them i was honest they got serious, started swearing (you s****er etc) and left. The next day everyone in school knew about me and from a quite popular teen i turned into the "sisty boy". No one would talk to me, no one would look at me without laughing, even the boys that are acoording to me undoubtedly gay.

And of course the news spread like wildfire to my parents who really did disagreed with my choice. They told me that since i havent slept with a guy i cannot be sure and that i must think more carefully about my PROBLEM.

I really don't know what to do. I am cut off my parents, schoolmates, teachers, friends.

Hello there,
I am deeply saddenned to hear that in the 21st Century people feel the urge to behave worse than animals... I know being in school is hard along with being gay but dont let them win which includes pushing you to the side... If they choose to ignore you you know the friendship was never ment to be... I would strongly suggest you ignore what they say and if you get any homophobic remarks ignore those as well... School life is a cruel life... Just because your gay does not mean that it is something to be ashamed of or deny yourself that freedom... In life the friends you loose will be replaced by better ones and as times go by your find that they will be the ones wanting to say sorry and regain friendship and your have the upper hand whether or not you choose to be friends or not to... Allowing these cowards yes cowards to rule your life is something id strongly recommend NOT doing...
With regards to your parents.... How dare they tell you this is a phase!!!!! Does this mean that every 1 in 10 male on this planet is having a phase in life??? Just because you dont kiss a guy doesnt mean your not gay i mean how 18th century talk is that??? If i was in your boat and me being me I am very stubborn I dont give in REGARDLESS i would sit down and defend my ground.... I will upload a video from youtube that you can play to your parents when you get a moment and MAKE them listen to it... Now with your parents start with your mother and sit her down and say...

Look I dont understand why you got a problem with me being gay??? I am still the same son you have always had and in life what gives you the right to tell me it is a phase that I am going through??? Every mother should love their child irrespective of race religion gender or sexuality... I would rather you knew than not know because in time I will develop into a full grown adult and my feelings will remain strong through thick and thin times.. This isnt a five minute phase and I am not going to be apologizing for the fact you may not get grandchildren from me because nature made me the way I am.. You havent done anything wrong neither has my father this is just me... What would you rather I do??? Hide away and never be myself??? If you choose to judge me now thats upto you but at the end of the day I dont intend on changing now ive come to accept myself for myself....

With regardless to your father just tell him to be man enough to accept you for you or FUCK OFF!!!!!

This is the exact advice I gave to my father and my grandmother... In the end i decided to dis own my own father and tell him where to go... I am really sorry to hear that this has happenned to you..

I wouldnt worry too much about your friends just allow karma to be the judge of them because in time a piece of lifes puzzle will fall into place and those who judged you will return for sorrow..

Kindest regards and BIG HUGZ

Zeon xx


Go to here for the video

It 's not a mistake. It 's a necessary step to take to learn who is your friend before it's too late too know.

Very sorry to hear that your friend has let you down so badly and treated you so ill. Studies seem to indicate that attitudes are changing in Greece, but for those who are the butt of bullying I doubt those changes can come quickly enough.

What you did was risky, but very brave. You can't undo it, so you have to see it through somehow. I have found it helps me to get involved with campaigns and groups that support fairness for gay people. Misguided or not I do sometimes feel that I am trying to do something to help make things a little better. Maybe you would get strength for yourself by joining a group or campaign in your country?

I assume you are not old enough to move away from home yet? If you were I would suggest that you do what many young people do in other countries and move to a place where you are likely to find more like-minded people, such as one of the big cities.

I found these statistics on this Wiki page.

A Eurobarometer survey published in December 2006[17] showed that 15% of Greeks surveyed supported same-sex marriage and 11% recognised same-sex couple's right to adopt. These figures were considerably below the 25-member European Union average of 44% and 32% respectively and placed Greece in the lowest ranks of the European Union along with Romania, Latvia, Poland, Cyprus, Malta and Bulgaria[18].
A Eurobarometer survey published in January 2007 ("Discrimination in the European Union"), showed that 77% of Greeks believed that being gay or lesbian in their country 'tends to be a disadvantage', while the European Union (EU25) average was 55%. 68% of Greeks agreed that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation was 'widespread' in Greece (EU25: 50%), and 37% that it was more widespread in than 5 years before (EU25: 31%). 84% of Greeks also reported not having any gay or lesbian friends or acquaintances (EU25: 65%).
A Kapa Reasearch (major Greek polling firm) survey on behalf of the Greek "Institute of Psychological & Sexual Health" published in the Greek newspaper Ta Nea on 20 September 2010[19] showed that 63.9% of Greeks agree with the legalization of same-sex partnerships and 24.1% disagree; as for the legalization of same-sex marriage, 38.5% of Greeks agree and 51.8% disagree[20].
The article doesn't give much away, but it does show that things are happening.

Best wishes to you, especially for the strength to maintain your dignity and your determination in going through this tough time.

It really sucks that things like this still happen. Just stay strong, and show them how much they suck. Tongue

i'd beat there asses out if i were you. set there houses on fire. spit on their food, you know the drill. an eye for an eye is sometimes the only way to teach them haters.. just an opinion, though.

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