Dan1089 Wrote:Leave it to Shadow to give sex tips on a virginity thread!On a serious note though,I wish that those with experience in bottoming could give advice to those of us who havent taken the plunge yet.I'm still in that "experiment in bath" phase and going nowhere slowly.Back to topic,I think its really cool that some people are keeping their virginity but for me,my virginity meant nothing to me and I can't even really remember losing it.

what MUST you think of me !!
But yeah - I did so on the basis that I think the boys that have posted and ARE still virgins are in a variety of different mindsets about it - most are clearly happy to wait until the right guy comes along, but I remember when I was a virgin I felt the same, BUT with the same stroke, I wanted my first time to be PERFECT, and that whole "Nope, that doesn't ... Oh my GOD you're not coming near me with THAT thing I hope ... where the HELL is ... Oh my ... Nope ... *clamps legs together*" thing which many people go through - the clumsy lovemaking thing ? Whilst AMAZINGLY cute and EXTREMELY funny, isn't always the best atmosphere for your first time, when everything should be purrrrrrrrrrfect ... rose petals, soft music, gentle kisses, a 24/7 hardon, the WORKS.
If anybody wants advice on any of these areas, then feel free to start a new thread, PM me or any of the other lads that prefer to give rather than to take - I'm sure Wouldlikemuscle would be willing to offer his input (although I realise I'm offering his services without speaking to him beforehand) ... but in any event, ask away and SOMEBODY will answer

In the meantime, as I said waaaaaay back, fair play for waiting - I
personally believe you're making the right decision in doing so xxx

everybody !!
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!