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Ah...Need love advice :(
Hahaha I did a search before to see if there was a fourm for gay advice...cause boy do I need it and its only my 2nd post :biggrin: lol

I wanted to ask fellow gay males(or females) for advice on my current situation....sorry this is so long!

I guess it happens a lot(and it has happened to me before) but its the age old question of: Could this man who says hes straight be interested in me?

To set this up, he works with me(I know bad place to meet people but it just so happens this is my luck lol) he is about six years older then me, and we met about four months ago. Since day one we have been drawn together. He told our boss(who just so happens to be also my best friend) how great and welcome I made him feel his first night and how he wants to take me out and get me drunk to thank me....but heres the tie breaker...he has a 2 year old son, and a current girlfriend with a baby on the way...but hear me out.

It started with us just talking all the time, he would come seek me out when I was off working someplace else and then on our break he would ask me to stand outside while he smoked so we could talk. Around the second week he started telling me he was fighting with his girlfriend and said “I don't know what to do...I'm ready to give up women and become a monk” it was then he gave me the first “look”... you know the look when you are about to kiss and he stares into you're eyes? I put it out of my head and that weekend he was off to visit his son like he does every weekend in another state and he sent me a message on myspace saying things still were not not good with the girlfriend and he gave me his number and told me to text him with mine This opened the “He text messages me the whole day” stage of our friendship. Weeks pasted he and the gal were fine again( yet they fight every other week so I cant keep up lol)

I thought he could just tell I was gay,since I dont keep it a secert but he kept mentioning to me that his friend was gay and he had a hard time telling him because the friend thought he would think different of him...but he doesn't care. He said this about three times and I thought this was his way of trying to get it out of me that I was.

About a month back he kept telling me about all these hot girls we work with, and was pointing them out. He would ask me, which one would you do if you had too? I told him I don't know and picked our boss....to which he said he thought I and her already did something, he could see it in my eyes and there was nothing I could say to change his mine...I told them there is a reason(the obvious reason that I was gay) and he keep asking me what it was, so I texted it to him and his response was “Well that is a good reason...but plenty of gay men jump the fence” when I went to speak to him after he said he couldn't tell I was since I didn't do anything to make him think I was(he later told me he did know all along which I knew he had to have)...and then he said he wouldn't care if his son was gay. Then invited me to hang out with his boys to play cards and drink...also saying “I don't know if I could....” (do it with another man) but stopped midway through saying it. He also asked if I saw Brokeback Mouthain and I told him no, and that I think I'm the only gay guy who didn't see it. He said he thinks hes the only straight guy who saw it.

Days passed and then the subject came up again. He asked me if it had been a long time since I last had sex and I told him it had been...being that I am still virgin(ha 22 year old virgin I know lol) he was shocked, he asked me “really?” about ten times. And then did that same thing and said “I don't know if I could....” be with mab. He even went as far as looking at my ass and saying it “was a nice ass” after my girl friend commented how nice mine was. When she asked him again days later to see if he would say it once more he said “I don't want to look at his ass...” he also went back on the whole “Gay men jump the fence saying only gay men do it....not straight guys” He also said he was a butt man, yet he wont have anal sex because it grosses him out....then told me he has had it with his girlfriend. Then when he told me getting a blowjob from a girl wouldn't be bad because all I had to do was close my eyes...I told him it would be the same for him and a guy only better because a guy knows what a guy wants and he said nope, but he guesses it wouldn't be that bad, then the next day he said he takes it back when I brought it up to him...

More currently I've had trouble at home and most of all car trouble, so he told me he would pick em up everyday for work and on the way he would take about his problems at home and even told me a secret he made sure I knew I was one only person other then his father he has ever told this to.... since it happened back when he was 21 years old. And then one day he wanted me to go to the state his son lives in for a day visit and hang out with the son and then come home.

Random things that have happened:

If I bring in something I made, he eats out of the same bowl as me...this may not be big for the normal, but just knowing him it means something to me. He tells me to try women just once for him, to make him happy. So I tell him when he tries men I will try women and he says no. We go back every night with this...hes had more fights with his girlfriend and hes says hes going to leave but he doesn't. He also tells me he would never cheat because he knows how it feels...he also wanted me to meet his girlfriend and I did but she came off as a... bit- anyway lol

He has given me that “kiss look” twice more since then, one time a coworker saw it. We even stand right ontop of another when we talk, how much of that is me wanting to be close to him and just subconsciously doing so I not sure, but he doesn't move away. Actually ive been told most of our coworkers think we are sleeping together! Then was the night he told me I wasn't like the stereotype gay male...and then he mentioned two of coworkers he found attractive (one being an asshole who he hates with a passion) and I find that all too odd. Then I was talking to his guy online who started texting me and I told him about him saying he was asking me different questions about being a top or a bottom and he said he shouldn't be asking me that...so he took my phone and “got rid of him for me” telling the dude I was straight.

Then last week he spoke to my friend/boss before he left work and told her he saw I was acting different towards him the past two weeks and that gay guy he is friends with wanted him to have sex with him and another guy once and he wont do it...she asked if he thought I was handsome and he said yeah...anyway I was crushed I got the idea without her going into more of it but hes saying it will never happen...he called her the next day and asked her how I was and she told him okay...even if had cried my eyes out in the womens bathroom...lol....not something im proud of. I texted him telling him I was embarrassed about the whole thing and he told me don't be embarrassed with him...that nothing happened. And things went back to normal.... telling me the other night “You know your my favorite”(person im aussming) and giving me a smile and then telling me he is glad im not talking to that dude anymore (the one he took care of for me)

My older brother who is also gay told me he may be using me...I do lend him money for smokes all the time and he never pays me back, and I make him food for lunch and buy both of us drinks and crap like that so maybe he is...

Is this a text book case, being used, or just going crazy? I know a sane person would trying to pull back after he basically told my friend he doesn't want me to get the wrong idea...but then why does he do/say the things he does?

If you read all of this THANK YOU....I just hope to get some outside advice. Thanks again!

... wow.

First off, that's an EPIC post mate - it must have taken you AGES to put all that down, so thanks for being both so detailed, and so open - it makes the process of advising you that much simpler ...

Whilst it sounds to me as though your friend is taking advantage of the kindnesses you are offering him, I would be very surprised to learn it was anything more sinister than that. If he just wanted money for smokes or similar, he'd probably be like most men and just ask (read: plea bargain) for it saying "I know I'm crap but xyz". He seems to regard his intimacy as a trade-off for his taking advantage of your good nature as in a "... but you know I think the world of you, doesn't that make it ok ??" kinda way, which doesn't sugar-coat the pill TOO much, but makes it a bit easier to swallow.

What the HELL he's up to with his girlfriend is a bit of a mucking fuddle truth be told, but what comes across from what you've explained is, to me, as follows :-

1) He's had bad experiences in the past (and I quote :- "He also tells me he would never cheat because he knows how it feels");

2) He's going through the mill with his girlfriend - not having ready access to his son on a daily basis must be playing on his mind and, whether it's her or him that's the main source of the problems, it is clear to me that his personal situation with her is considerably less than ideal, and he really has benefitted from having a shoulder to lean (and/or cry) on in yourself;

3) I am a bit concerned about the level of dialogue he has with your boss, whom I also assume is his boss ? Whilst I appreciate her giving you information on what he's discussed with her, it does add a further dimension to the proceedings which could turn nasty if you and he WERE ever to fall out as she is the boss, and so has a duty to maintain the integrity and privacy of the things that are discussed with her in her work capacity. Whilst it would seem unlikely that you and he would fall out over this type of thing, I'd like you to think about perhaps shielding yourself against it if at all possible;

4) His sexuality is in question, yes - I agree. Whilst my initial thoughts were "babe, you're barking up the wrong tree" he either knows EXACTLY what buttons to push, or he's SERIOUSLY considering jumping onto our side of the fence to test the grass ...

Commenting on your butt to your face; eating from the same bowl as you; standing so very close to you whilst he's talking to you; not to mention being EXTREMELY keen on spending time with you and being very possessive OF you (inviting you to another state of the day to spend time with him and his son; checking up on you via your boss; using your mobile to send the gay guy off with a chiding, etc., etc.) all imply a strong emotional bond and a love and consideration of you ON SOME LEVEL. I say that in bold and block caps because I don't see it being on the level you would really really like at THIS time, but there is a HUGE grey area he seems to be paddling about in, which means his boundaries and decisions are going to be malleable and questionable for some time to come.

He is obviously going through a tough time, and RELISHES not only the time he spends with you, but the strength and stability you bring to him at this time. Your friendship has grown out of two things :- your sympathy to his plight, and his attraction to you as a friend - I can wholeheartedly appreciate that he is giving you some SERIOUSLY mixed signals, and where to go from here is obviously what's foremost on your mind ...

If I were in your shoes, I would perhaps try and make better use of the tools you have to hand. Your boss is obviously on-side, so I'd ask her to FILTER the information she gives you, as it's nice of her to be so willing to help you out, but by the same token you don't want her to put you, or you to put her, in an awkward position regarding this lad ... so I'd say to her look, if there's something he tells you that you don't think I'm going to want to hear then PLEASE think it through before telling me ? I'm on the knife's edge here ...

... then she'll know just how serious the situation is for you, and you'll have her out in the field looking out for you, which can't be a BAD thing.

With regard to him, since you're obviously getting along very well at the moment (barring this up-and-down what the hell does that mean do you want me or not kinda thing), why not ride it out and see how it develops ?

I would NOT advocate pushing him too far - i.e. if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't kiss him ... but I might give him that "if you want to kiss me go right ahead" kinda look to try and ease him on a bit ...

Ultimately, though, you have absolutely got to be prepared for the possibility that, even if he DOES decide to take that step and give you a kiss, or move from ruffling your hair to cuddling you, or breaking down and crying on your shoulder, or scooping you up into his arms and giving you a big bearhug and a kiss or WHATEVER, it might just be a momentary thing, and NOT as progressive as you would obviously like it to be ...

I hope that gives you SOME food for thought - I'm sorry my thoughts are a bit jumbled on this - I'm at work and don't really have a lot of time to type :frown:.

I just didn't want to leave you twisting in the wind Wink.

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!


SO glad the forum is back up, I thought my huge post caused it to go down for a bit there hahaha.

And Wow, I just want to say THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH Shadow for taking the time to read everything and give me such a warm, well thought out response. Just got in from working the night shift at my job(its 7:00am here in NY) so I'm sorry if I came back later and see if this doesnt make any sense lol.

As for your advice: its golden! Thank you again because I think I was going to go nuts not being able to talk about it, or just getting "Well hes straight move on" from the friends ive talked about this with who dont believe he could be givng me such "mixed signals" ah if only there was a way to find out if they were! Headscratch

It gives me much to think about, since Ive posted this he hasnt texted me at all really and has called out of work... so maybe hes pulling back, and maybe its for the best....but doesnt make it hurt less lol

I have to re read this again after I take a small rest, but I truthfully thank you from teh bottom of my heart for your time!:redface:
Thanks again

Hey my pleasure babe - I'm sorry you had to wait a few days for my reply as I'd wanted you to get it asap since you were obviously quite distressed by the situation, but then the site went down and ... well ... you know the rest :redface:.

I'm glad to hear it gave you something to think about - I'm sure the lads will be along to give you their input as well, so perhaps between us all you'll get a set of balanced views that can help you even more !!


!?!?! Shadow !?!?!


only got throught the first paragraph

he's probably a wonderful guy somewhere in there

but move on

respect yourself

LOL Thank You Again Shadow! I was very distressed from the whole thing. If im lucky and the otehr boys have to add will always be great and I look foward to it...but I dont know if any can be up there with that huge wonderful resposne you gave me
GayComputerDude hahaha I dont blame you, I dont think I would have been able to read past the first line seeing how huge It was! :tongue:

Well im off to work in a bit, thanks both of You.

No worries babe - feel free to come back and talk to us anytime !!

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

i know exactly the look you are talking about...my supposedly straight mate gives it to me all the time and I really fancy him...it drives me INSANE!

Hey babe,

As I've said before I believe, if you wanna talk away from the boards at all, just drop me a line on MSN - [email protected]. Yours (swim73088) is a situation that might benefit from a bit more of an in-depth natter ... which is why I offered Wink.

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

I think he likes you as a friend to be honest.You seem like a nice guy and with all his problems with his girlfriend,baby,you appear to be someone he can talk things out with.
He also does seem to be taking advantage with the smokes,sodas,money you ''lend'' him.A true friend would pay you back and reciprocate.
He sounds like he''s playing a game with you,with the ''looks'' he gives you and the mixed signals you feel he gives you.
I have experienced the same type of ''friendships'' and ended up feeling rotten and used.
You are a young,handsome guy and if you get more confidence you surely will find true friendship and,maybe a nice guy who actually is interested in you and not leaving you confused and upset.
I am far from an expert on relationships,but it''s obvious you are barking up the wrong tree with this game player.
I feel quite upset for you that you were reduced to tears by this guy as you must really have powerful feelings towards him.
Cor! I''m getting bad flashbacks about similar crap I''ve been through and it is so sad that nice guys can be so easily used by taken in by selfish guys like this guy seems.
Basically it is sadly,only through experience,that I have learnt who to invest time and energy in and who to accept as a game player...................................................................................................................................................................Cor! Just realised how old this thread is;makes my ''advice'' totally redundant,lol,I guess.Aah,well.It was a bit therapeutic to get stuff down for myself too.He,he.I really must look at dates of threads in future!

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