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A new dream thread.
From a couple days ago

I had some special powers...
I could sorta just float in the air <was in either a sitting or standing position, I don't remember which>

I also had the ability to zap/fry (sorta like electrocuting with no visible sparks) creatures that were after me...by just somewhat pointing at them & thinking it. LOL did have to do a few

Near the end of the dream I also could cure peoples acne by simply putting my hand up to their forehead & thinking it...

Being able to float:
Something that's not too uncommon in my dreams, there's been times I have more control over it.
From a dream book: "To dream of floating, denotes that you will victoriously overcome obstacles which are seemingly overwhelming you"

being able to 'take out' creatures/bad-guys/etc with some sorta thought/power:
Again something that's not all too uncommon in my dreams. Good stuff. I love being able to do this type of thing Smile

Curing acne: um..that one is new..have no idea where it came from LOL

Just had a dream about a month ago. Sorry forgot about this forum. It was like all my other nightmares. I was getting ready to lay down when i got this horrible feeling. I got this horrible feeling that something was about to happen. I just told myself to calm down and relax. That i was just thinking too much. I got in bed and closed my eyes and i heard this voice from right above me. I quickly sat up and looked around, but no one was there. I laid my bed back down on the pillow and closed my eyes again. This time there were multiple voices and then there was this loud whooshing noise. I dont know how to explain it really. It sounded almost like when an object breaks the sound barrier. Thats the best way i can explain it. I opened my eyes and there was this black figure standing over me. I found i couldnt move again, but this time it felt as if someone were sitting on top of me holding me down. I remember feeling so much pressure on my arms and chest. I tried to scream for help again but i found that once again i couldnt. I began to scream inside my head instead. Unlike the previous time i couldnt find that anger that got me through the time before. I was too scared. Apparently i managed to get a couple of grunts out because my friend woke up and shook me. As soon as my friend touched me the pressure was gone and i sat up breathing as if i had run a marathon. My room mate told me that i was ok and that he was there if i needed him. I told him that it was different from before. That i knew something bad was going to happen before it did. Right as i said this there was a loud "Bang" from outside our bedroom door. There was no one else in the house but us. We live in an apartment and i share my room with my best friend. Of course i started to freak out a little. There were never any noises with the others. It seemed like whatever was happening was just getting worse. The good news is that i havent had one of those nightmares in about a month and a half.


Let's see...

The first dream interpretation was intriguing, though I'm not sure what to think. There were A LOT of changes going on in my life, and it may have been a "coming out" more in terms of adulthood because I was leaving behind the ways of childhood (keeping my ties to people loose, not letting anyone have significant power over me, staying anonymous, ready to move at a moment's notice--rough childhood for me Wink--and constantly trying to reinvent myself to keep my mind free as I thought I must back then) and accepting more the responsibilities of adulthood with stable income and, much more importantly, the first serious relationship I ever had that had me head over heels. It could be my power as a woman rather than the freedom (if limitations) of just being a girl. (I also had delayed puberty, btw, and my body went through a growth spurt of 2" not long after this as well as becoming curvier and less androgynous.)

The 2nd dream was several months (but less than a year) from when I went home to East Texas (where the dream started and I became a fairy tale witch) in (counting...) almost 7 years. (Btw, East Texas is also known as "Behind the Pine Curtain," and I'm pretty sure the trees we hid in were pine...not certain about that, but at least in the dream they were trees in East Texas.) This was also just a few short months after the dream of the wishing bracelets with my Dad (and I'd seen Dad briefly just a few months prior).

I recall struggling with ideas of personal power in society and the ties it creates and the possible corruption it could inspire in myself at the time of both of these dreams. To make advances in society I had to make compromises and I feared what kind of person I could become (I used to be quite idealistic and even somewhat zealous back then). Perhaps I was scared that by becoming part of the world, I'd become as corrupt as I perceived the world. I knew I could do it, but I didn't know if I'd regret it or not. Perhaps I was trying to work out how I could better myself while not corrupting myself?

I also had plenty of evil twin dreams back then (and for a few years after) where another like me would attack, and in a few cases I would switch to being my evil twin and sometimes I was both her and me at the same time, even when fighting each other (sometimes she's another me, other times she was like a ninja or something weirder, but I'd always know it was her, and a few times we were different characters altogether, like I was Kim Possible and she was Shego). The most haunting to me was when my evil twin ambushed me and she was my identical twin save she had the most beautiful dyed black curls and I got into a shootout with her and shot her (though I left her alive), but then when I got home I saw my reflection and I had her black, curly hair and this startled me awake. I believe I ended up working through this by reconciling my observations of the world and accepting a more pragmatic (even potentially ruthless) view and an idealistic one where I was obligated to act as if I lived in a world that didn't exist and probably never would. In short, I was trying to find balance so my inner conflict would cease, and when I did I stopped having the evil twin dreams.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to think about old dreams of mine. Confusedmile:

Bookworm Wrote:I had this very conversation with a friend of mine today. We decided we have no idea where this year went! :biggrin:

I've been reading through this thread with interest but I've never posted in it until now, as I just wanted to say that I too have had those waking dreams before. I only get them once or twice a year, but its always the same, I'm aware that I'm in bed but I can't move or even open my eyes as my body is basically still asleep but my mind is waking. The last time this happened, I was only semi aware of what was happening and a nightmare intruded; I was aware of being in bed again and unable to move, and I heard someone in the room, then I felt a pressure on my chest and it felt so vivid and real that I could feel myself sinking into the mattress with the pressure on top of me. I managed to force myself awake but I must have been holding my breath as I was gasping for air when I woke. Not a pleasant waking dream.

I did have an odd dream last night, which I may aswell share since i'm in here (and give you more of a backlog to work with LB) :biggrin:

Nothing much happened in this dream, I was just sitting in front of a mirror, the type you get on old fashioned bedroom bureaus, staring at my reflection. As I watched, my eye colour began to fade. My eyes are blue but in the dream they began to fade to a very very pale, watery blue colour, almost transparent. But, just before I woke up, I remember thinking in the dream that I wasn't looking at my own reflection any longer and I didn't recognise the face looking back at me?
That was it really. Nothing else of note happened.

Hi, thanks for sharing your dream. Yes! There is a bit of a backlog right now! I think you were next in line but if I missed someone's dream please let me know. And by the way, if anyone else wants to jump in with their own interpretation please feel free to do so. This is an open thread.


I am going try and tackle a few of these today because I see myself getting pretty busy in the next couple of days. Let's see how far I get.


For me, the big themes in this dream are:

--Sitting (passive)
--The old fashioned mirror (more on this later)
--Your eyes (color is important, but I think the fading is significant)
--Lack of recognition at the end

So, first of all, the whole thing seems very passive to me. You're sitting and observing. Not really *doing* much.

The mirror, of course, is a great "reflective" symbol, You're obviously contemplating yourself. Specifically staring into your eyes which represent your intellect ("windows to the soul"?) but they're fading; becoming less "vibrant".

Later you don't even recognize yourself.

"Looking back" into the "old" mirror at a changing (fading) face (intellectually, personally, physically), sounds to me like you're watching yourself "fade" grow older, losing your vibrancy. You seem kind of "resigned" (passive) to it.


Aester Wrote:Those mountaintop eating cereal dreams just keeps appearing, As those dreams just have popped up once in a while, now i think I've dreamed them 3 times during one week, everyone of them stranger then the other.

I do not remember all, but here is one i certainly do remember: Im seing my self aroudn age of 50 I think, atleast i think it is suppose to resemble me. As I am only wearing a long robe made by rags of clothing, plastic, bark, hide and leather and looks like i've not shaved or cut my hair in 10 years and I'm walking what I suppose to be Europe... but all in ruins. I walk past broken stores, abandoned suburbs, ruined towns, burned houses and scattered churches and stay dogs is running everywhere, some of them not so friendly. As i walk through snow, rain, dryness, and any condition and climate and through countries, only living on a short supply of conserved goods and edible food i found on the way like rats, pigeons, berries and fruits. After a while am I starting to climb some mountains, as I get to the top, I just pop up that Blue antique chair i had in the first dream i had and started to eat cereal. The weird part is that as I get to the top, am i the center or my hometown, just like the first dream and many similar symbols appear with the eagles or birds flying around me and the sun/moon almost being near each other. the only thing different this time is that I am nude. Can this dream connect to my emotions somehow? As I've felt very depressed lately, as i don't like the holidays

I just saw you deleted your account.
I was really hoping we could get to the bottom of your dreams one day.
All the best, my friend.

72jay Wrote:From a couple days ago

I had some special powers...
I could sorta just float in the air <was in either a sitting or standing position, I don't remember which>

I also had the ability to zap/fry (sorta like electrocuting with no visible sparks) creatures that were after me...by just somewhat pointing at them & thinking it. LOL did have to do a few

Near the end of the dream I also could cure peoples acne by simply putting my hand up to their forehead & thinking it...

Being able to float:
Something that's not too uncommon in my dreams, there's been times I have more control over it.
From a dream book: "To dream of floating, denotes that you will victoriously overcome obstacles which are seemingly overwhelming you"

being able to 'take out' creatures/bad-guys/etc with some sorta thought/power:
Again something that's not all too uncommon in my dreams. Good stuff. I love being able to do this type of thing Smile

Curing acne: um..that one is new..have no idea where it came from LOL

Hmm, pretty interesting...

Obviously I'm gonna side with you on YOUR interpretation of your own dream. You know better than I do.

Have you considered (again) the shadow figures in this dream? The ones with the acne? They could be different aspects of yourself. The acne being a blemish we can't easily hide, on our face (I assume?). It sort of "mars" our public image. Are you trying soar above and zap out any public blemishes?

(Just a stab in the dark)

SleepTalker Wrote:Just had a dream about a month ago. Sorry forgot about this forum. It was like all my other nightmares. I was getting ready to lay down when i got this horrible feeling. I got this horrible feeling that something was about to happen. I just told myself to calm down and relax. That i was just thinking too much. I got in bed and closed my eyes and i heard this voice from right above me. I quickly sat up and looked around, but no one was there. I laid my bed back down on the pillow and closed my eyes again. This time there were multiple voices and then there was this loud whooshing noise. I dont know how to explain it really. It sounded almost like when an object breaks the sound barrier. Thats the best way i can explain it. I opened my eyes and there was this black figure standing over me. I found i couldnt move again, but this time it felt as if someone were sitting on top of me holding me down. I remember feeling so much pressure on my arms and chest. I tried to scream for help again but i found that once again i couldnt. I began to scream inside my head instead. Unlike the previous time i couldnt find that anger that got me through the time before. I was too scared. Apparently i managed to get a couple of grunts out because my friend woke up and shook me. As soon as my friend touched me the pressure was gone and i sat up breathing as if i had run a marathon. My room mate told me that i was ok and that he was there if i needed him. I told him that it was different from before. That i knew something bad was going to happen before it did. Right as i said this there was a loud "Bang" from outside our bedroom door. There was no one else in the house but us. We live in an apartment and i share my room with my best friend. Of course i started to freak out a little. There were never any noises with the others. It seemed like whatever was happening was just getting worse. The good news is that i havent had one of those nightmares in about a month and a half.

This one is going to be VERY difficult for me because I'm not an expert, but it sounds like you had an anxiety attack that sort of spilled over into your sleep/dream life.

It also sounds a lot like the "sleep paralysis" that others have discussed in this thread, but I personally don't have any experience with that.

Your "dream" seems to start in real life, then progresses into a full blown dream, but finally you come out of it fully awake with your real life roommate.

I can only hope that whatever is disturbing you in real life is addressed so that you can rest peacefully from now on.

Please keep us updated. And if you have any more experiences you'd like to share in this thread, please feel free to do so.


Pix Wrote:Thanks.

Let's see...

The first dream interpretation was intriguing, though I'm not sure what to think. There were A LOT of changes going on in my life, and it may have been a "coming out" more in terms of adulthood because I was leaving behind the ways of childhood (keeping my ties to people loose, not letting anyone have significant power over me, staying anonymous, ready to move at a moment's notice--rough childhood for me Wink--and constantly trying to reinvent myself to keep my mind free as I thought I must back then) and accepting more the responsibilities of adulthood with stable income and, much more importantly, the first serious relationship I ever had that had me head over heels. It could be my power as a woman rather than the freedom (if limitations) of just being a girl. (I also had delayed puberty, btw, and my body went through a growth spurt of 2" not long after this as well as becoming curvier and less androgynous.)

The 2nd dream was several months (but less than a year) from when I went home to East Texas (where the dream started and I became a fairy tale witch) in (counting...) almost 7 years. (Btw, East Texas is also known as "Behind the Pine Curtain," and I'm pretty sure the trees we hid in were pine...not certain about that, but at least in the dream they were trees in East Texas.) This was also just a few short months after the dream of the wishing bracelets with my Dad (and I'd seen Dad briefly just a few months prior).

I recall struggling with ideas of personal power in society and the ties it creates and the possible corruption it could inspire in myself at the time of both of these dreams. To make advances in society I had to make compromises and I feared what kind of person I could become (I used to be quite idealistic and even somewhat zealous back then). Perhaps I was scared that by becoming part of the world, I'd become as corrupt as I perceived the world. I knew I could do it, but I didn't know if I'd regret it or not. Perhaps I was trying to work out how I could better myself while not corrupting myself?

I also had plenty of evil twin dreams back then (and for a few years after) where another like me would attack, and in a few cases I would switch to being my evil twin and sometimes I was both her and me at the same time, even when fighting each other (sometimes she's another me, other times she was like a ninja or something weirder, but I'd always know it was her, and a few times we were different characters altogether, like I was Kim Possible and she was Shego). The most haunting to me was when my evil twin ambushed me and she was my identical twin save she had the most beautiful dyed black curls and I got into a shootout with her and shot her (though I left her alive), but then when I got home I saw my reflection and I had her black, curly hair and this startled me awake. I believe I ended up working through this by reconciling my observations of the world and accepting a more pragmatic (even potentially ruthless) view and an idealistic one where I was obligated to act as if I lived in a world that didn't exist and probably never would. In short, I was trying to find balance so my inner conflict would cease, and when I did I stopped having the evil twin dreams.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to think about old dreams of mine. Confusedmile:

Thanks for the feedback. Always interesting to see if I'm in the "ball park" or not.


Aester Wrote:Those mountaintop eating cereal dreams just keeps appearing, As those dreams just have popped up once in a while, now i think I've dreamed them 3 times during one week, everyone of them stranger then the other.

I do not remember all, but here is one i certainly do remember: Im seing my self aroudn age of 50 I think, atleast i think it is suppose to resemble me. As I am only wearing a long robe made by rags of clothing, plastic, bark, hide and leather and looks like i've not shaved or cut my hair in 10 years and I'm walking what I suppose to be Europe... but all in ruins. I walk past broken stores, abandoned suburbs, ruined towns, burned houses and scattered churches and stay dogs is running everywhere, some of them not so friendly. As i walk through snow, rain, dryness, and any condition and climate and through countries, only living on a short supply of conserved goods and edible food i found on the way like rats, pigeons, berries and fruits. After a while am I starting to climb some mountains, as I get to the top, I just pop up that Blue antique chair i had in the first dream i had and started to eat cereal. The weird part is that as I get to the top, am i the center or my hometown, just like the first dream and many similar symbols appear with the eagles or birds flying around me and the sun/moon almost being near each other. the only thing different this time is that I am nude. Can this dream connect to my emotions somehow? As I've felt very depressed lately, as i don't like the holidays

As you know, your dreams can be difficult for me, but I still want to give you my impressions with the hope that maybe they spark something inside you--something that seems familiar and you start to make your own connections to your dreams.

And of course, now I'm reading this dream after having read your post about your "Turning Point" so obviously I'm picking up a lot of "devastation" in your dream.

Your community is devastated.
Your physical appearance is devastated.
Your nutrition/diet has been devastated. (And maybe the cereal is a dietary concern?)

But still, there are some "lofty" symbols: being on top of the mountain of course is very lofty and spiritual. The birds too, symbolizing spirits or thoughts maybe, are very lofty.

You're always at the center and always on top. Even if you're surrounded by devastation you're always in that key position.

At the end of the dream you're nude; exposed, vulnerable perhaps. Or maybe you're ready for your new clothes for the new start after your "turning point".

We're born naked.

It's not a stretch to think that being naked could represent a rebirth.

Thanks again for sharing your dream.

I had my own dream the other night after a pretty volatile phone conversation with a guy I've been seeing, long distance.

In my dream we're both flying an airplane. He's seated in the Captains chair to my left and I'm in the "copilot's" chair to the right.

He's got the navigation computer programed to fly over a particular airport, but the display is a little erratic. I can look straight out the window and visually see the airport.

He explains his plan to fly the plane over and past the airport and then turn around and land in the opposite direction. He hands me some aeronautical charts and instructs me to verify the courses and other details, but I'm busy with my own duties. Right about at that time someone from behind me asks me some technical question and now I'm having to prioritize all of my duties, most importantly what my "Captain" has asked me to do since we're close to the airport.

The dream ends vaguely with him beginning the turn overhead the airport and I'm mumbling some information that confirms, yes, we are headed in the right direction but I'm feeling really out of the loop.

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