With your latest installment I think the problem may lie a lot with him.
Not totally - when relationships hit the rocks both parties are involved and helped to steer the ship of relationship onto those rocks.
Reading through this thread and your posts you revealed a lot of things that tells me that he has his own issues, some of them maybe very serious. The problem is he most likely is unable or unwilling to deal with them.
Ability and willingness are two different things. It is often difficult to tell which is which.
Now let me look at YOU.
You are not fixed. Not for the most part, not even in the smallest part. You are now 'working on that'. There is a huge difference between being 'fixed' and 'working on it'.
Prozac is not a cure, it is not a fix in and of itself. If your doctor lead you to believe that shame on them.
Prozac and other psychological medicines are supposed to be part of a treatment/therapy regiment that includes therapy - counseling. A Psychologist (therapist) is now needed by you so you can now start working on your issues and find solutions and tools that you can use in your day to day life to work through your IEDs and other crap. (Its all crap, and one day you will see it is crap - but that is ok, I'm full of crap too

His solution is this desire or need to run away. That really isn't a fix either. While he is sticking around, I have to wonder at how well he can be a support system for you. How many more instances of 'crap' can he handle before he decides its time to jump ship?
It is possible - most likely in fact - that he is
unable to be helpful,
unable to support you. Not that he isn't willing, but due to his own 'crap' he is unable to.
You need to know if this is so in order to deal with and work through your own crap. I strongly suggest couples counseling to figure out where both of you are and to figure out if both of you can work through this crap (all of the crap) and hold it together.
Between a couple's counselor for both of you and a personal therapist, you can uncover if your relationship is a healthy one.
If you two have only been together for months and not years, it may be the best thing for you two to end this relationship.
Couple's counseling will reveal a lot. If you both attend and work honestly with a therapist.