02-28-2013, 06:27 PM
To give a little backdrop so you know where I stand. My 9th grade year I was a depressed mess and that eventually wound up with me being thrown into the grips of trying alcohol and various drugs in 10th grade to supress the depression. It caused me some major problems in school my grades slipped and I lost my boyfriend and friends. My family doesn't look at me the same any more. I think all they see is that addict I was. Now I'm in 11th grade and got myself out of that all the alcohol, weed, pills, and shrooms, but now I've got not a single person to talk to. My mom tries to care but I can't help but feel she holds back because of my past actions. Everyone is gone and I feel myself slipping again. I can't even remember the past two years of my life all but the bit and pieces of it. I broke last night and drank again to get rid of the isolated feeling and now all of a sudden the urge is back to do it again. How do I get rid of that urge? I just want to keep myself together and not fall back down again, so please any advice would be welcome. I could use it right now.