08-24-2014, 10:11 PM
Quote:I envy your situation, however; instead of putting him on the spot, you may want to approach it a little differently. Perhaps something along the lines of, "I think you're a great person, and before 'this thing' we have develops any further, I need you to know that I'm gay." Then if he reacts to the positive, tell him you wanna tongue punch his fart box. Or that you have a crush on him. Your choice.
Seriously, I only type this because if someone out of the blue asked my view of gay people, I would instantly think that the one asking was gay or setting me up for some type of situation. That's just the jaded old queen in me.
However you decide to go about it, good luck!
I actually really love that idea. Like I mean, LOVE that idea. I think I just might say it like that. Not only does it give him the choice of not saying anything about his sexuality, it also gives me a chance to tell him I'm gay in a non-threatening way.

On , yet another, side note another guard and me were working the morning shift and we really lacked some coffee. So the other guard said "you should text him (my crush) and ask him to bring us some coffee." Not only did he come after I texted him but he brought coffee for all of us. That's just a nice thing to do right there......