There is this gay bar that held a party last year where the owner let me in (for free without me knowing I had to pay to go in) dunno how and why.
This year they're holding the same party Thursday, but they're charging for tickets a price so expensive I cannot afford. I contacted the owner about it and he said "Let's see what we can do" ... Now, Not knowing what that means, I don't know whether to show up or not. I have a big final Exam on Sunday, I have the option of spending the new year's with friends playing video games and going back there some other time where they hold a casual thing like "Kareoke night" or whatever ... Or show up anyway and see how things go (Whether they let me in or not) Just risk it and go for it...
I'm pretty much confused here, suggestions?
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Perhaps contact the owner again? It would be a bit of a waste of time turning up and not being able to get in.
The night with your friends sounds like a more solid guarantee of a good night. But yeah, I'd contact the club owner again.
• are cute verysimple..and it would be to the owner's advantage to have you there. In are doing him more of a favor than he is doing you if he lets you in...
If there isn't enough eye candy....the people who paid a high price aren't going to be very happy. The club owner....ANY club owner....knows this very well.
You didn't say if you had fun at the party last year (I assume you did if you want to go back). I would be more likely to do video night, mainly because going to a nightclub alone, especially on a night like NYE, seems like too much of a gamble. I'm not outgoing enough to go stand in a bar and try to meet people.
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The owner is going to let you in for free, but he doesn't want to broadcast it. If that's where you want to be on New Year's Eve, show up a little bit early so you are sure to catch his attention before it gets too busy. I think there is little risk that you won't get in.
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Why people want to "celebrate" on "New Year's Eve" by getting royally drunk with a bunch of asinine total strangers, waking up the next day with retched hangover, is beyond my comprehension. Besides, it isn' even the "New Year"... its just an arbitrary date. A night just like any other night.
If you wanted to celebrate the ACTUAL start of something, it should be on December 22nd... the Winter Solstice. That's an actual celestial event marking the return of the sun to the northern hemisphere.
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I'd rather celebrate that too, Mike.
Anyway, one word more on the champagne, usually we only do cheap German sparkling wine, but now we bought a small bottle of actual champagne, because why not. I had so little (real) champagne (as in the French regional product) in my life, that I don't even know if I like it or not, lol
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Hope it works out and you have a blast, VS! Ignore the Debbie Downers in this thread! You're 20 and single, so live it up!
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Mike, I think you must be a Solstician Monk.
I have always enjoyed small parties where people know each other more than bar blasts, but some like that part, too. I suppose to make it a "real" occasion I could celebrate it as the beginning of my employer's fiscal year.
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