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hey all, my other is starting to exhibit tendences which I am having diffuculty dealing with, If it was in someone else, I would think that the coping level of the individual had been overrun. He is up for trial soon afr stabbing people who attacted him at a halloween party a year ago. He has be in the usa almost all his life but was born in mexico, deportation under the new rules is viable, prison is also n option if convicted of assault, pressure I guess, any ideas on how to help him, Jim:frown:
wow!that is sad to hear, i hope for the best for you two.
but on a side note wether he's here legally or not i
dont see how he can get in serious trouble if he acted
in defense.well i hope for the best for you and your partner.
james no matter what happens im here and i want you to know that and i hope your partner is doing ok
Good luck to you both. It sounds like it could get pretty complicated. I hope nothing drastic is done.
Usually the details of a case like this can fill several pages. I assume he has an attorney? What has his attorney said? The prosecuting attorney will likely address this case in a very predictible fashion. Questions to think about are: Was alcohol, or other drugs being used at the party? Did he carry a knife to the party expecting an attack? How badly was his attackers injured? How badly was he injured? Did anyone die in the event? What provoked the attack? Even the style and size of the weapon might be brought up. If the knife that he used looks like it was intended for combat then there may be trouble. A switchblade would be a good example. It appears that the PA thinks he has a case, otherwise he wouldn't pursue the matter. There is a posibility that it may be dismissed when it comes to trial, but I wouldn't bank on it. If your significant other does not have a good defense attorney, he should find one soon. The attorney can probably postpone the hearing until he prepares his defense. I would not rely on a public defender in a matter such as this.
i support you 2 all the way, keep his spirits up and try to keep your self going too, that willl help him get through it easier.
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He had one of my combat knives, just as that was what he could lay his hands on, still being attacked first has some merit, if It had been me there would have been a need for body bags
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In one way I hope it works out for you both in another way I hope justice is done both for your partner and the injured people. In my view no-one has the right to place their hands on anyone and even more so with a weapon. If he is exhibiting self harm / suicidal behaviour it may be prudent to have him seek psychological help.
Based on the legal stuff he may be convicted of "Assault with a deadly weapon", he may also be convicted of "Attempted manslaughter/ murder". But one thing did he take your weapon out expecting trouble? If so that could be interpretted as planning. Personally I would expect him to do time for what he has done, if this was the UK he would do some prison time because knife crime has been cracked down on over the years. At the end of the day I hope justice is done on both sides for the attackers and your boyfriend, but to me knife crime is one of the most abhorent things someone can do.
Good luck . . .
it bad cutting youself but hurting yourself is sometimes you wonted to if you very sad becase it hurts in you/.it s good insted talking and try an get getter and cry asel