Hey Jay!:biggrin:
I want to start off by saying that you are such a sweet and mature person. I am glad that you realize changing yourself is not the answer. There are many hateful people in this world and not as many loving and caring individuals like yourself. We need as many people on this earth that are just like you!
Reading your post reminded me a lot of myself. I have been in many situations like the one you talk about. I have been heartbroken to the point where it felt like someone had ripped out my heart because I was so naive. I can never imagine myself hurting anyone purposely or backstabbing someone. That is just not in my nature. I love to help as much as possible and be there for people if they need someone to talk to or help with anything.
At my job I take care of people with disability's and the lack of respect the coworkers have for each other is unbelievable. You would think that people who are in a field to help others would be caring and understanding. You would never think that most, not all but a big majority of those people would be conniving, manipulative, and backstabbing. Always trying to get each other fired just because some one is not in their "Click". Its very upsetting. It's like that movie "Mean Girls" minus the teens and add the adults. Its crazy to look at these people and see that some of these people have kids. Then I think no wonder there's so many kids bullying. These adults that act this way are not being a good role model.
I also have tried to lash out and be a mean person to. Not for revenge but, for a wall of protection to protect myself. But, when people would say hi to me and were nice, I just could not do it. It tore me up inside and hurt so much because I was turning into something I am not. You definitely need to stand up for yourself and sometimes you do have to get a little tough(Not Physical or to verbal but stand your ground and let them know you do not deserve the disrespect). My mother and my Grandpa both told me "Blake, you are to nice and if you do not stick up for yourself nobody will". They we're right! There were the few people that have and still will stick up for me but very few. Those are what you call GOOD FRIENDS.
So please just keep on keeping on LOL

and know that there are people out there like yourself that are loving and caring. Look at your friend that told you about these fake people. She did the right thing. She showed you their true faces because she cares for you and was one of the very few who was looking out for you.:biggrin:
I wish you luck through your surgery and a speedy recovery. Anytime you need to feel free to send me a message if you feel comfortable. Take care and don't ever change you!!!!:biggrin: