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hank Wrote:Yes, I do, I certainly don't blame her. It was the 1980s and the aids scare was in full swing. And it was decided that gay sex caused aids. All around were the stories.
It was difficult knowing that I couldn't live up to what God wanted. But I have conquered that. I note understand that whole anti gay thing with religion was fabricated.
But everybody in my family was religious. And anti gay. Both sets of grand parents aunts and uncles, the only person I had was my sister. Never lived with her she was adopted by my grand parents. She is gay.
Thats understandable to some extend. The actual understand about homosexuality has rapidly grown within the past decade or so, so I can only imagine how it was in the 80's. So are you still religious like do you believe in God and do you still actively pray and attend church?
Do you speak to your sister now?
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
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hank Wrote:Yes I believe in God, yes I pray, no I do notgo to church.
My sister and I still talk she was the first family member the first person I came out to. her and her wife have been my sounding board. Perhaps I oughtto talk to he about this. Her understandingand acknowledgment of her sexuality was very different than mine. I leaned about it very young. She did not.
Thats cool. Its nice to still have a religious aspect I guess. In some ways I wish I did purely for hard times but in other ways I'm glad I don't. Its confusing haha.
Im guessing you are pretty close them. I think it would be wise to talk to her she seems like she can really understand you and help you out

You seem like a really decent guy so I don't think you'll be facing these issues for much longer. Someone will sweep you off your feet!
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
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hank Wrote:Thank you.
I just need to leave myworries behind.
I'd say you could do with relaxing a bit and being comfortable in your own skin. You really don't seem to have anything bad with you and appear to be a catch - some guy will be very lucky and happy with you
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
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Yeah, I still have intense crushes on a lot of straight guys, they just happen to be my type you know? Fortunately, these feelings I have tend to run their course after a while, but I get what you're saying, most other gay guys I have met are A. bitchy B. not my type and C. under the impression that they're automatically entitled to the contents of my pants based solely on my sexuality. I'll happily be single before getting myself involved with one of those, but don't get me wrong, there are good gay guys who are genuine human beings, they're just a little harder to find because they're shy, and half the time taken.
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hank Wrote:thanks that is good to hear. I am slowly getting there. I worry often about things. One that seems to bother me is my chosen career path. It's not the most gay friendly profession. I want to be a police officer. But then again I was very comfortable with my class mates in academy who knew I was gay. Turns out six others were but I heard nothing from them about it.
I think times have changed with that as well.. Due to equal rights and certain legislation it can't be made out to be a big deal. People will like you for you and your sexuality won't change how you do your job.
Btw if you became a police officer you'd be fighting the guys off! Haha.
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
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hank Wrote:That is what I keep hearing.
I need to let some things go. Stop worrying about what people will think.
The most important thing to consider is how you feel. Stuff everyone else - if they don't support you then you don't need them.
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]