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i agree with you totally. i was reading an article 'The top 5 regrets people have on their deathbed'.
the first regret is that ' I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.'
i definitely do not want to regret at my deathbed for not living the life i want
yup i'm still in the closet. thats a good suggestion. thnks
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Btw you have a great sense of humour and your posts don't fail to make me giggle

Age : 25
Nation: Homosexuality is considered a crime ( but not death sentence ) and there are no rights for LGBT ppl here and gay partnership not recognised here too.
Culture: As I mentioned its a norm here that children stay with their parents. But I have heard of many transgenders and gay ppl who moved out of their home cos they are not accepted by their families.
Career/Income: I 'm still studying my degree and have 2 more yrs to go. I intend to work for about a year and save up before choosing to move out.
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Actually I found out from 2 incidents that they are homophobic. One, they stopped watching Ellen Degeneres Show after they found out she is a lesbian. Two, they always flip the newspaper to the next page if that page contains any new about gay pride, celebrity coming out etc.
But what you said is true. If they consider me as a family, they should be accepting me for who I am.
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You are right I'm in stage 3 ( but nope i wont resort to killing myself

Hopefully I am move on to stage 5 or 6