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Confused/Hurt/Tired of It. What Do I Do?
Hello Gay Speak! This is my first posting, so I hope I get helpful replies. (Sorry for the length, but it's necessary to get my point across).

I am 19 years old. A Sophomore in college. And lately I haven't been happy at all :/
I will call my boyfriend A for anonymity purposes. A and I have been together for 14 months. How did we meet? A and his ex-fiance of 2 years were on one of their breaks (I didn't know A at the time) and I met his ex. We started dating and after about 2 weeks he cheated on me with A. No big deal, I just moved on. Well, A and I started chatting and decided to hang out. That hang out lead to, of course, sex. Things were going alright and after about two weeks we decided to give things a try. He ended up having to move in with me that weekend because his room mate was moving back home. So we have just started dating and already live together...

Every now and then we would have little arguments. He would always compare me to his ex, or when I did something that upset or annoyed him, he would call me his ex's name. He didn't have a job, so he sat at home all day while I went to work. As you could imagine, finances weren't great, and every time a bill would be due, he would leave the responsibility of coming up with the money to me. My lease ended about 4 months later. We were still together, but arguing more frequently. We moved into a new apartment together. Because he still hadn't found a job, everything (including the lease) had to go in my name.

Things were rocky. Arguing increased, then decreased. Around October we got into our first big fight. I honestly don't even remember the issue we were fighting about. The fight ended with him taking MY cell phone, which he does whenever he is mad, (he doesn't have one, so we share one), and MY keys and says he's leaving for a while. I ran out after him and put my hand on the window. He acted like he was going to hand me the phone and then slammed on the gas, pulling me along the concrete. I had to go to the ER and now have 4 scars. We talked about everything the next day and were going to try and work out our differences.

Things were going okay, but we litterally spend every second that we arent working together. I have lost all of my friend. we never go anywhere or do anything. all we do, every single day is come home, watch tv, possibly jack off, and go to sleep.

This brings me to my next issue. We havent had sex in months. as usual, he blames that on me as well, saying I never try. WHen i do try, he doesnt want to or he just wants to watch porn and jack off. He constantly gets pissed off when he thinks I jacked off alone and I say I haven't (which is the truth. I actually look forward to the intensity of an orgasm after waiting all day). Then when he is home alone, I find his clothing with cum stains or the internet history deleted or sex toys that had been washed off. Would this make him hypocritical? He is also one of those guys that will speak his mind and call someone out in the middle of a crowd or through a drive through window. He always has an attitude when he speaks, and when I let him know, he gets offended and we get into a fight. BUT when he accuses me of having attitude and I say i wasn't trying to and apologize for it, we still fight. My apologies are never accepted. Every time there is an issue between us, no matter if he knows he is wrong, he always puts the full blame on me.

When we are fighting, he says and does things that I know I shouldn't take, but I am a very passive person. He has called me stupid (does this frequently), fat, he has told me that none of my relationships will ever work because of how I treat him, hes shoved me, put his hands at my neck. In all honesty, I treat him like a king. I give him everything he wants. A more recent fight that we had was over finances. We were short on rent and he forced me to beg 3 of my family members for money because he wouldnt ask his. He ended up smacking a cup off of the counter at me. This was the first time that I grabbed my keys and left. When i came home that evenning, he had cleaned the house and cooked dinner and told me how sorry he was.

He is starting to notice that I am not as happy as I used to be. He is always asking me whats wrong, but I just brush it off and say nothing because I am terrified of what his reaction will be if I tell him the truth. I love him, with all my heart. But I dont know how much longer I can do this.

I don't know what to do. Lately, the only thing i have been thinking of is being single again and getting my life back. I miss my friends. I miss having fun. I dont want to cry everytime I hear a song that makes me think about how unhappy I am. But i'm scared. What will happen? What will he do if I end it? He always says he would never hurt me, but his actions has proved otherwise. What will happen with all of our things and the apartment? this lease ends in 2 months. we have talked about it before, and he firmly believes that if we break up, he is going to take everything that we have bought together and everything that he had anything to do with. Thats fine, but the things is, he won/'t be civil about it. He never has been. I dont know what to do anymore. I have never been the one to end a relationship. Advice. Please?

Ok, I read it all and from what i understand you want help on how to end things the more civilized way possible, if you're afraid of him becoming aggresive, I advice you to start looking for another apartment, but be careful about it, then ask him out on a public place and end things with him, a public place will help him refraining from his abussive behavior, be prepared for important things, keep the things that belongs to you that you believe he may try to take away, and when you move bring 2 friends or family guys to help you move that way you won't be alone with him.

And next time, instead of giving in what the other person wants put an early stop, I'm not saying it's your fault that your boyfriend has been treating you like this, but it is your fault for letting things go this far, he cheated on you after two weeks and moved with you less than a month after beginning the realtionship, for me those are big red flags.

Free yourself from that situation as soon as possible. I think that both of you know where it went wrong and nobody deserves to be stuck in a situation where the feelings don't flow both ways. I commend you for actually trying to make it work, but it's time to get out of there.

His resentful nature coupled with an abundance of pride WILL make getting all of your stuff difficult, but I agree with Ryocchi here. Make a plan so that your transition to a new place happens smoothly, but know that you may have to cut your losses on a few items. The freedom will be worth it, though.

"Things were rocky. Arguing increased, then decreased. Around October we got into our first big fight. I honestly don't even remember the issue we were fighting about. The fight ended with him taking MY cell phone, which he does whenever he is mad, (he doesn't have one, so we share one), and MY keys and says he's leaving for a while. I ran out after him and put my hand on the window. He acted like he was going to hand me the phone and then slammed on the gas, pulling me along the concrete. I had to go to the ER and now have 4 scars. We talked about everything the next day and were going to try and work out our differences."

REALLY???? And you're still with this lunatic????

You dont try and run down or kill someone you LOVE!!!

This jerk is just using you for his own amusement.


Quote:or when I did something that upset or annoyed him, he would call me his ex's name

I would have walked away at that point.

Quote: We talked about everything the next day and were going to try and work out our differences.

The differences being that he is an arsehole and you aren't?

Quote:I have lost all of my friend

Your friends, like you, are probably decent people, your partner is an arsehole.

Quote:we never go anywhere or do anything. all we do, every single day is come home, watch tv, possibly jack off, and go to sleep.

That's because your partner is an arsehole.

Quote:as usual, he blames that on me as well,

That's because your partner is an arsehole.

Quote:He constantly gets pissed off when he thinks I jacked off alone

That's because your partner is an arsehole.

Quote:Would this make him hypocritical

Yes it would, and it also makes your partner an arsehole.

Quote:He always has an attitude when he speaks, and when I let him know, he gets offended and we get into a fight.

That's because your partner is an arsehole.

Quote:he always puts the full blame on me

That's because your partner is an arsehole.

Quote:He has called me stupid (does this frequently), fat, he has told me that none of my relationships will ever work because of how I treat him, hes shoved me, put his hands at my neck

That's because your partner is an arsehole.

Quote:Advice. Please

You are being tarnished with the same brush that your partner is being painted with so your friends have left you because your partner is an arsehole and therefore YOU are an arsehole...no you are worse...you are a STUPID arsehole.

What will happen if you leave him? Oh for fucks sake are you really that scared of being happy that you want to be an arsehole and live with an arsehole? I understand why you lost your friends now Wink

If you DO decide to leave with this guy( which I think you should do), make sure you have some friends over... it sounds like he wouldn't be too thrill about it , so make sure you have someone to protect you while it happens.

Dude... I'm sorry, but leave him. You're too good for him. He's too aggressive. You need a partner who reciprocates love always, not when he feels like it

Sorry to hear of your dilemma.

Breaking up is never easy or nice, and in this case it could get very ugly as well. The fact is, your in an abusive relationship and nothing you can do or say will change this, with one exception. You need to get out of it ASAP.

Your going to need support if only for your own protection. Is there a family member you can confide in and who can help? You will also have to try and ensure he doesn't find out where you move to as he sounds a complete arsehole and may become vindictive. Even a relatives place for a few weeks would be a good move at this stage.

Good luck

This is one of those 'abusive' domestic situations. Understand that he is being emotionally and verbally abusive with you, plus he is a user.

You are correct to worry about the potential reactions he could do. Considering the thing with the car I have no doubt that if he doesn't get his way he can readily move on to physical abuse.

I think that one of the better options to go here is legally. Go to your county seat to the county Law Library, usually near the court house. Talk to the librarian and ask him/her what Legal actions you can take to get this person out of your house and do express your concern that physical violence may take place.

Did you file a police report when you went to the ER? If so get a copy of that report and take it with you to the law library.

Eviction and restraining order would be the ideal route to go here.

Another route it to talk to the landlord/manager of the apartment and see if they will work with you to get him out. Understand its in your name not his. Legally he mayn't have a single leg to stand on. Different laws depending on where you live. The Manager will most likely know, the Law clerk will either know or will know which books to look in to get the answers.

If those are not possible, then lets look at that lease and see if there is a good way you can get out of the contract without too many loses.

If you can't break the contract and you can't get him evicted, you will have no other choice here but to take the 'punishment' and pay up what ever needs to be paid to break the lease and move.

I suspect he is going to try fighting an eviction. I suspect he can be very mean.

Yes I am telling you ways to leave him. Yes that is the only option.

I have been in similar situations and it never gets better, it always gets worse. In my case it was verbal/emotional abuse that worked its way up to fists, kicks and other interesting physical violence. I have been in enough group therapy sessions with other victims and survivors of abuse that I know that this is pretty much the way it goes.

The problem is that once you lose respect in their eyes (Oh you are not at fault, its in their head), that appears to give them a free pass to take more from you, and leads to worse and worse behaviors.

No he is not going to like the loss of his meal ticket and it will, most likely, lead to his going full on abusive prick with you.

In all honestly I doubt he really loved you. The timing of his getting to know you better with the timing of his ex roommate leaving is not a coincidence. The fact he sits there not getting a job and making you fend for him tells me that this is the way he leeches off of people to survive.

All of that other stuff, tells me he is just using you for a roof, food and whatever else and he maintenance his tyranny over you which keeps you as his slave.

That is not love. He does not love you, he is using you and abusing you. You deserve better than that.

I am curious what he attracted you in the first place?

from your words it seems that he is a person only having destructive behaviors and ill attitudes.

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